Chapter 54: [Holy Knight]

Chapter 54: [Holy Knight]

~Mash B. POV~

Leaving The Great White Forest I used my [Murak] spell to make me lighter. Light enough that I can be seen as flying through the sky of Britannia with a grin feeling the wind brush past my face.

While flying above the sky I was looking around the villages that were close by. I managed to find one a few distance away from the forest.

Landing nearby I began to use my Authority of Lust [Disguise] to change to that of a commoner to blend in. I heard from Diane I looked too foreign with my usual get up so something that commoners wear would do for me.

Changing my appearance to that of a commoner I began to walk towards the village to begin gathering information. [Observe].


Location: Bernia Village

Description: The village is renowned for brewing the famous Bernia Ale. The ale is made from the river water that flows through the village, hailed as having the best sweetness, richness, and fragrance of apples in Britannia; along with grout (brewing herbs) that grow abundantly along the banks.


Hmm… this is ringing some bells in my head. Been a while since I last read or seen the Seven Deadly Sins series so this might take some time for me to recognize.

Entering the town in disguise as a commoner, I didn't hesitate to look around at how the townspeople reacted to where they were doing their everyday lives. Hopefully the gold from the Re: Zero world passes for the currency of this world.

While walking around I managed to pick up on some conversations. Just topics of the best harvest for their ale this time around. Hmm… I wonder if the gang would like some. Could make for a useful souvenir when I return for all to taste.

Looking around I found a tavern. Maybe I can find some much-needed information. Or better yet a map of Britannia to help me cross between this world easier than strolling around.



Entering inside the tavern I see people enjoying their food but getting their attention my appearance acting ignorant reaching to the bartender of the tavern. He looked annoyed at me with speaking trying to scare me off, "Tch. Kid, don't you think you should be with your mommy or something?"

Not taking his words lightly I revealed a small bag filled with gold coins that quickly changed the bartender's attitude like a switch in a kind tone, "Uhm! Sorry valued customer how can I be of service to you today fine Nobleman?"

Nobleman huh? Tch. Then I flaunted too much.

My gaze turned towards others everyone looking at me with degrees of looks some of worry, disgust, lust, and hate. I see looks like Noblemen are treated differently from a human perspective being the bad guys and not kindhearted.

Good to take note of it seems. I'll be sure to correct my usage of my money next time progress forward.

For now, I merely acted the role of a commoner speaking to the bartender in a flustered tone correcting him, "Sorry man but I ain't stick up the rule butt nobleman. I'm a wandering explorer you, see? I'm a bit lost you see but I'm more than willing to pay for such information, sir. Or do you happen to have a map to spare about Britannia?"

The bartender now looked at eased as he spoke to me touching his beard and stroking it apologizing to me seeing my genuine expression, "Oh whew… here I thought with your looks and charisma I thought you were a nobleman sorry mate. As for a map or location I have plenty – "


A sound of slamming the door to the tavern flung open. Turning around revealed a group of knights coming out acting arrogant as they demanded what they wanted, "Hello again mister tavern owner we came to get ourselves the free stuff!"

The civilians moved away from the scene making an opening for the Knights. Seems like the people already know they are a bad bunch of people. Oh, if Julius was here, he would've beaten their sorry asses.

At least they knew the pecking order as they moved aside. The Bartender looked a bit nervous as another person soon entered behind them.

Someone I immediately recognized from his appearance in the series. Oh, so it seems like I appeared during this part in the past huh? [Observe].

[Gilthunder Lv.? Holy Knight

Description: Back in the old days, Gilthunder was friends with Howzer, Veronica Liones, and Elizabeth Liones, who used to play together. At some point in time, Meliodas taught Gilthunder the fundamentals of swordsmanship and The Way of the Knight. However, Gilthunder is acting cruel, as Margaret, the woman he loves, is being held hostage and being used against him to join the Holy Knights.]

Gilthunder is a relatively tall and handsome man with neck-length light pink hair that has bangs hanging on the left side and blue eyes. Gilthunder wears dark-colored full-body knight armor without a helmet and wields a single-hand sword. The upper body armor is carved with several crosses and the symbol of the Holy Knights. He also has a leather waist belt fastened on top of his armor.

Using [Eyes of Mana] I can tell his power. The Mana is practically brimming with electricity oddly enough. And I don't mean that figuratively I meant in a literal sense. That must be his Magical Powers that Diane mentioned.

Soon my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the news making the Bartender pale in worry, "You want our harvest of this year's batch?!!"

Gilthunder looked intimidating as he glared at him with a neutral tone, "Are you questioning a [Holy Knight]? You all must pay your taxes."

The Bartender shook his head as he immediately gave Gilthunder and the rest of the Knights began to gather the ale of this village. I frowned at their actions seeing such hard work being taken away.

But if it's for taxes I can't do anything unless I bring some trouble. But those Knights seem way too eager for it in my opinion.


However, though it seems like my attempt to not draw attention seemed to have gathered Gilthunder's attention taking a seat next to me asking in a neutral tone, "And you… are you a Holy Knight apprentice?"

I shrugged not bothered by his questioning instead asking my own being curious rather than being fearful something of which he took notice, "No. But why does a [Holy Knight] like yourself bother with little old me? I'm a nobody in your eyes so care to explain…?"

Minding my own business one of the Knights appeared to come near me. Seemingly insulting their boss how should I handle this?

Hmm… a demonstration perhaps?


Sending one of my [Unseen Hands] towards the Knight I sent one of my hands to grab his feet holding him in place. And give a little flare using my Magic casting a spell, "[Dona]."


Summoning up a small rock wall the Knight fell on his face. Everything seemed like an accident but Gilthunder on the other hand quipped at my use having a neutral expression seeing my actions, "I see… you seem to be a wandering wizard. A Magical Power relating to the Earth hmm…"

Contemplating a response, I replied to Gilthunder scratching the back of my head answering him with lies, "I suppose so. But I'm more of a bounty hunter or mercenary. I'm hunting the so-called criminals of the Seven Deadly Sins. But I hope to join the [Holy Knights] when I feel prepared for the future."

Gilthunder frowns at my response soon offering me a chance to join their so-called righteous order in a serious tone, "In that case how would you like to join now? Currently, the Kingdom of Liones is looking for able-bodied Knights from peasants or wherever to join our cause. You having your Magical Powers already awakened will certainly be placed in a higher position."

Right, that's a thing here. Usually forced recruit of people into Knights would be ideal for two demons at this moment. Although I already have an idea to get me out of joining the military.

I shook my head at the offer given to me lying through my mouth of joining his group at this moment, "I appreciate the offer, but I humbly refuse. My master requested I learn about the world before joining any order or Kingdom. He says having experience beforehand would be ideal for making any decisions. But I'll probably join in the future but till then I would rather sightsee before making any conclusions."

Gilthunder seemed to have his eyes closed before finally standing up and leaving seeing that I made a promise to join relented on harassing me to join, "I see… very well then. I could only hope you join sooner. Till then mister… forgive me but I seem to have not gotten your name?"

I curtly replied to Gilthunder our gaze meeting each other, "The name's Mash Bastion."

Gilthunder nodded turning around and announcing his name obtaining the ale from this village without much issue, "I'm the Holy Knight Gilthunder. Don't forget it Mash Bastion. Till we meet again farewell."

Leaving with his group I sighed a breath of relief the Bartender looked at me with respect standing my ground, "Son you have got to have balls of steel to casually speak with the Holy Knight Gilthunder. And you managed to ease your way around it."

Turning my gaze towards the Bartender I asked in a curious tone about our prior conversation before Gil interrupted the transaction, "Yeah. Scary to meet a Holy Knight in the eye but moving on… got any maps or info about where I can Kaynes Village?"

The Bartender grinned soon going to the back to shortly return handing me a map of Britannia thanking me for saving his tavern from being struck down, "Sure thing son! Here consider it as thanks for keeping the Holy Knight's attention on yah. But for Kaynes Village… go north from here and you'll reach the village where the Beard of the Mount Cat garrisoned a base of a mountain."

I curtly nodded thanking the Bartender. Kaynes Village and the Beard of the Mount Cat. I needed to know the location than a group of unknowns.

That's where I'll find Meliodas and Elizabeth along with the Boar hat. That's where the real adventure will begin and hopefully skip this village with me intervening.

The new smell of adventure is just around the corner. And a whole bunch of enemies and Magical Powers to be taken with my [Gluttony] skill at the ready. I simply can't wait to see what kinds of challenges and plans I'll thwart in the process.


My gaze turned around to see Gilthunder managed to plunge his sword using my [Eyes of Mana] to see him block the river pathways…. Or maybe not…