Chapter 61: Weird Fangs (2)

Chapter 61: Weird Fangs (2)

~Third POV~

Feeling the clash between the two Mash gestured for the two of them to come seeing being here would only endanger them in a serious tone, "Seems like we have no choice but for all of us to go. I can't leave you guys alone not unless you both can handle a Holy Knight."

They all nodded in agreement as Elizabeth asked in a concerned tone about Meliodas and Diane in a worried voice, "Then both are in danger! We must help them!"

Mash nodded as he began to hold Elizabeth and Hawk with him using his [Unseen Hands] along with the unconscious Golgius once they reached outside said, "Okay everyone! Just hold on to me! Will go there quickly to help the Sins! [MURAK]!"


Casting [Murak] on everyone they suddenly became lighter thanks to the spell's effects to reduce their gravity. And keeping it controlled Mash eyes to the sky and grinned giving everyone an advance, "Be careful on this ride because we're going to be going sky high from here!!"

Hawk was increasingly worried asking scared, "What the hell you mean – ACK!"


Using his [Unseen Hands] to propel themselves by launching them into the sky. Elizabeth and Hawk both scream at being suddenly flung into the air with the unconscious Holy Knight Golgius flung with them.

Seeing the chance Mash immediately chucked the unconscious Holy Knight the only way he knew how with an overdramatic tone, "Now usually I would need a baby for this but… KICK THE KNIGHT!"


Kicking him away leaving Golgius to his fate crashing down into Dalmary Town with Elizabeth asking in a concerned tone, "Mash! Was that necessary to drop him from the sky?!"

To her surprise, Mash easily deflected her concern with a reassuring tone, "No worries. He crashed into a doctor's building. Trust me on this."


Que the Knight crashing into the doctor's house Elizabeth being the gullible naïve princess sighed in relief making Hawk sweat at her reaction, "Oh phew… at least that man will get treated by a professional."

Hawk muttered in disbelief in his comical self, "That's your take from this?!"

All of them were flung high in the sky as the wind carried them above with Hawk yelling at the height they were flying, "AHHHH!!! This is too high you stupid jerk!!! I'm gonna be scared of heights because you?!!"

Mash meanwhile laughed at Hawk's claims bearing a feral grin feeling the winds brush his face hair flowing in the wind, "Ah… sorry Hawk but I'll apologize when… psh… when pigs fly eh?"

That annoyed Hawk growing a tick mark cursing at Mash for his poor sense of joke, "GO TO HELL JERK?!!"

Laughing at the flailing angry pig their conversation soon stopped as they saw past Dalmary Town Diane and Meliodas fighting with each other under the impression of an illusion causing Mash to glare at the scene.

Noticeable wounds were seen on the two suggesting they've been fighting fiercely between two as Elizabeth pointed out two people witnessing the scene, "Wait! Look at those two over there… they're Holy Knights! They must be the ones causing the spell on Sir Meliodas and Miss Diane!"

Understanding the severity of the situation Mash smirked having an idea of moving away from prying eyes, "Guys… I have an idea. Now just hear me out and follow my lead. This will require precise guts and planning. Now see here…"

Whispering the plan Elizabeth and Hawk listened intently to what they needed to do…


Returning a few miles away from Dalmary Town Friesia chuckles seeing the destruction being caused in a humorous tone, "Dofufufu! Old Man Ruin outdid himself this time! He's making a show of things! I say this is the best!"


Hearing the noises of clanging sound Friesia turned around to see 'Golgius' return with Elizabeth and Hawk unconscious in his arms getting her attention as he spoke, "Apology for the delay Friesia. These two were running away and their cook died defending them. The fool had the nerve to go against a Holy Knight. But they couldn't escape me for long."

Friesia sees that both are captured and curtly nods her head at the scene of Diane and Meliodas fighting causing massive destruction replying, "Good. That ensures one of our targets. Now we simply need to capture the Seven Deadly Sins."

'Golgius' nods his head trying to locate Ruin asking in a curious tone analyzing the location getting closer to Friesia, "Of course. But where the heck is that old man Ruin anyway? I can't seem to find him."

Friesia soon answers his question openly as she waves her hand but soon freezes realizing something off using her [Insect Manipulation], "Yeah… you know his Magical Power. Can't be useful unless you are near them. You can see him from here near the sheepherder – wait that can't be right. How could – "

Before she could realize the person next to her was a faker she was caught off guard by his attack losing control of her body in a blanket of darkness, "[El Shamak]."


She soon loses control of her bodily functions as Elizabeth and Hawk open their eyes seeing that Friesia dropped down with Hawk asking kicking her body, "So… what the heck did you do to her? She seems… kind of dead?"

At his words, Mash explained as Elizabeth soon tied the Holy Knight given to her from him as he explained the effects, "Not really. But she won't be getting up any time soon. [El Shamak] is an upgrade from my usual [Shamak] spell. In summary, she lost control of her bodily functions for 5 minutes. She'll recover eventually so she isn't dead."

Mash explained to them as he checked his skill list using the upgraded version of the spell seeing the cost of using an El-powered spell for [Shamak].


(Active) Lv. MAX

MP Cost: 100 MP

Description: [El Shamak] The next stage use of the [Shamak] spell using El can make the target unable to control their bodies while under its effects lasting at a high level of this spell could be 5 Minutes long.


Seeing the effectiveness of his spells being used Mash as 'Golguis' moves forward towards Friesia's spot soon sees Ruin observing the match between the Seven Deadly Sins talking out loud, "Ahh… so that's what she meant. Well… time to ruin his career with this spell. Ahem… [El Fura]!!"




Combing his [Divine Protection of Wind Reading] with his [El Fura] spell releasing a powered wind blade that will reach his target unaware of the danger and can't be physically countered or noticed.

Mash read the skill from his Skill List testing out the limits of his El category level spells impressed by what they could do.


(Active) Lv. MAX

MP Cost: 100 MP

Description: [El Fura] The next stage use of the [Fura] spell using El allows the user to unleash a blade of wind, traveling at maximum velocity. It's noted that the attack couldn't be physically countered. At the high level, it's an untraceable attack that can't be sensed by usual means.


Mash could only smirk reading the additional perks of the El spells along with the Forbidden Library noticed the perks of each spell. He used them carefully depending on the situation for each cost of his MP amount.

Realizing an El cost him a 100 MP. He noticed during his time in the Re: Zero world the cost for each spell is categorized.

El costs Mash 100 MP. Ul costs Mash 500 MP. Al costs Mash 1000 MP for each spell at the beginner, intermediate (100 MP), elite (500 MP), and pinnacle (1000 MP) levels they could accomplish.

Returning to his attention Ruin was immediately hurt and his bell was cut off with Mash yelling changing back to normal turning off his Authority of Lust [Disguise], "Elizabeth! Hawk! Our job here is done!"

Both Boar Hat employees immediately went towards Mash seeing the situation is fine now with Ruin losing his bell. Hawk grinned seeing the Holy Knights getting beaten in a happy tone, "Heh. Seems like these Holy Knights aren't much of a threat to our latest recruit of The Holy Order the Circle of Scraps!"

Mash had a deadpan expression turning his gaze towards Hawk having an outraged expression, "When did I ever join up with such a ridiculous order?! At the very least I should be the leader!"

Hawk on the other hand puffed his chest out denying such a request in a proud tone, "Ha! Fat chance recruit! I'm the boss of The Holy Order the Circle of Scraps!"

The two merely had their own stare off as in the distance Meliodas and Diane stopped fighting seeing their eyes on Ruin bleeding.

Elizabeth blinked seeing Diane grabbing ahold of Ruin before…


Chucking him very far away from a distance unaware if he was left alive or dead with Meliodas from afar eyes widen seeing his employees at a distance yelling out loud, "Huh? What the heck are you guys doing here?!!"

Finally drawing attention to themselves Hawk and Mash stopped arguing as all 3 of the Boar Hat employees waved back to the confused Meliodas and Diane, both approaching them.


Walking their way to Baste Dungeon Meliodas soon nodded in understanding of the situation once the trio explained to them, "I see… so we were trapped in an illusion then huh? Makes sense. No wonder that Holy Knight attacks felt a lot like Diane's."

Everyone finally gathered with Diane blushing in embarrassment getting trapped within an illusion of having been saved by the least likely of people, "Ah! I can't believe we fell into such a trap! And we had to be saved by you guys…!! It grinds my gears that I was forced to face the captain without realizing it!!"

Two of the Seven Deadly Sins were both contemplating underestimating their opponent with Meliodas thanking Mash in a thankful tone for protecting Elizabeth, "Still though thanks for saving Elizabeth and our hides back their Mash. We would've had our goose cooked back there that's for sure."

Mash nodded his head in understanding giving a mock salute as he examined the wounds they inflicted upon each other, "No problem, Bossman. Just doing my duty helping you guys out is all. And what the heck do you mean you guys?"

Raising an eyebrow being questioned like that Diane bluntly replied in a defeated tone giving her thanks in the process and lowering her head, "Sigh… don't get me wrong here Mash. I thought you 2 were kind of weak for humans with me having to fight for the Captain and you lot. But… upon recent events shows me that I have underestimated your guy's courage so… I'm sorry for thinking lowly of you guys."

This made the trio happy upon the news with Mash promising to heal them using his [Healing Magic] later saluting to the Giantess, "Ah… apology accepted. Once we get your friend Ban I'll be sure to heal you two as good as new soon."

The two nodded as they proceeded to reach Baste Dungeon where they'll meet Ban the Seven Deadly Sin of Greed.


A/N: Thanks guys for the advice and the direction to go next thanks for your support giving me motivation! And for those wondering if the MC became a servant, he'll be either the Extra Class Foreigner or Beast.