Chapter 71: McGuffin Brawl! (3)

Chapter 71: McGuffin Brawl! (3)

~Third POV~

Soon enough Howzer and Kaizoo began their match but witnessing the one-sided slaughter it was obvious that Howzer would win. Despite being drawn out everyone got to see their skills and Howzer Magical Powers [Tempest] in the process.

It didn't take long for when Love♡Helm to announce the next match making Mash's expression flinch shooting a glare at Ban, "Next is Group C's first match! Cain vs. Shitty Cook!!"

Diane seeing the ridiculous name realized who was the one as she cheered for her friend in a cheerful tone, "I figured you would Ban. Mas… Shitty Cook! Do your best!!"

Mash continued forward giving a thumb standing on stage arena with Love♡Helm announcing the two in an excited tone, "Standing to the left we have Cain! Standing at the right we have Shitty Cook!! They didn't draw much attention during the preliminaries, but… what powers are they capable of?! What kind of fight will this be?!"

Focusing on the match ahead Mash prepared himself clenching his fist into the [Battle Flowing] stance with Cain noticing this in his drunk stupor, "Oh ho. You youngsters these days are quite serious…"



Immediately displaying his use of [Blaze] using his fire to propel himself instantly reaching the gap distance between them. Cain turned around doing an elbow strike to Mash's side of his body.


A loud enough smack could be heard but Cain simply raised an eyebrow seeing his attack hardly or any damage with Mash transferring the blunt force damage to the ground complimenting him, "Nice one old timer! Here's a little something just – Ah! My tongue!!"


Immediately seeing this Cain used his fire to move swiftly using his tiny frame to kick underneath Mash's mouth while monologuing much to Diane's eyes twitching commenting, "And he told us to attack when an enemy explains. He did the same thing as that Griamore guy!"


Handing Meliodas some gold Ban grunted losing a side bet in an annoyed tone, "Tch. That shitty cook made me lose the bet of him being an idiot."

Meliodas meanwhile was smiling happily putting the gold coins in his pocket commenting about the scene, "Shouldn't have made a bet with me Ban. I know my workers more than they know themselves. Heh."

Returning to the arena Mash felt his cheeks blush listening to the others of his embarrassment with Cain snickering, "Ah… the joys of youth and their stupidity. It's just as old as time for young blood to act stupidly. Hic!"

Mash feeling embarrassed sighed falling for that one thinking to himself of the excitement going to his head, 'Sigh… the old man makes a good point. I might've gotten a bit too excited entering a fighting festival for the first time…'

Beatrice chimes inside Mash's head with a questionable tone raising a metaphorical eyebrow raise, 'Might've I suppose…?'

Mash slumps down getting to the point of cracking his neck not underestimating Cain regaining his serious look as Cain begins to build up fire into a fireball. Being the polite old man, he gave Mash an out in a confident tone, "You could just walk out of this one Sonny. You have much to go without being burned. Hic!"

Mash's eyes flashed annoyance as his face twitched at his words shaking his head and remaining defiant. Cain sighed seeing Mash being this stubborn shaking his head, "Meh. I did warn him. Let's hope you feel the burn boy."


Tossing a fireball in his direction Mash immediately used his Magic bringing a stone wall upon command, "[Dona]!"


By using the [Dona] Mash summoned a stone wall blocking the attack from the fireball. He quickly cast another [Dona] spell immediately.



Summoning another underneath Cain avoided it on time jumping into the air. But Mash smirked using [Yin Make: Arrow] creating a Yin Magic construct of shadows in the form of a bow shooting at Cain's direction shadow arrows.


On the defensive Cain used [Blaze] to conjure a wall of fire to avoid the shadow attacks getting a bit serious. During the attack that Cain blocked Mash didn't stop there expressing a grin.

Using his [Divine Protection of Wind Reading] he soon cast a [Fura] immediately since his attack range is nonexistent with both those skills combined, "[Fura]!"


A wind blade was soon cutting through the fire of Cain's [Blaze] with shocked eyes getting injured falling with shock in his tone noticing a gash on his body, "Oh my… this was certainly a surprise to be attacked this sneakily – "

Not allowing Cain to get ahead following his own rules Mash soon spoke out his next spell alarming the former Holy Knight, "[Shamak]."


Conjuring an omnidirectional shield of fire Cain remained focused eyes alerted for Mash's attack. His years of experience as a former Holy Knight shows old age is something that dulled his senses.

But before he could be alarmed…


A mana-infused punch to the back of his head thanks to 'sharing' Roswaal's own combat experience of the [Flow Method] immediately defeating the old man Cain with a light touch of [Healing Magic] to cause the blood flow of his body to halt momentarily allowing Mash to knock him out.


Using a high-level form of [Shamak] Mash simply rend space to achieve teleportation behind Cain's defenses with a breath of relief thinking to himself in a cautious tone, 'Whew, that was way too close for comfort. Talk about scary… I have much to learn in actual combat against people.'

Soon enough Love♡Helm announces the winner seeing Cain was defeated raising his small hand up for Mash's victory but twitches at his nickname, "Shitty Cook wins!! Next is round one for Group D! Meliodaf vs. Bain!"

Mash could feel a shiver down his spine knowing the mess that was about to come…


Howzer soon walks over to the group with Griamore and Veronica healing his 'manly pride' with a healing bead asking holding his laugh, "Pfff… Hey, you okay, Griamore? Morning to you too, Princess Veronica."

Griamore tries to speak only to flinch in pain holding his 'pride' causing Howzer to laugh at his friend's misfortune before turning serious, "Hahaha!! Sorry man but you got your ass kicked in the worse way how. But… Ahem! More importantly, what did you and Veronica come here for?"

Griamore flinched but with the Healing Spell using the Spell Bead, he finally regains his strength. Veronica explains to Howzer the situation causing him to widen his eyes exclaiming in shock, "What?! Th… that shortie… is Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins?! And that girl who KO'd you…?"

Griamore began to finally open his voice recovering from his wounds in a serious tone, "I don't know about the others, but I know for sure that's Meliodas."

Howzer soon points his finger towards the duo in a confused but then shocked tone assuming their actions, "… Hold on a minute. Don't tell me you two came here to arrest them by yourselves!"

Veronica tilted her head annoyed by Howzer's words correcting him on her objectives, "Our primary goal is to get Ellie back."

Howzer looked at the two confused asking to clarify their objective in a confused tone, "Ellie? Princess Elizabeth's here at the festival?"

Listening to his words caused Veronica to be annoyed by his stupidity pounding her chest with her hand ordering Howzer, "She's supposed to be, but she's with King making it hard to get close! Listen up, Howzer! Don't you dare make a scene until Ellie is found! If you do, you could put her in danger!"

Instead of listening Howzer turned around running away causing Griamore to be confused yelling at his childhood friend, "Hey! Didn't you hear what she just said?!"

Howzer nodded agreeing but chose his priorities exclaiming to them giving his warning in an excited tone running to the arena, "I've got it! But if you guys start a commotion and ruin the festival, I won't let you live it down! I get to see the true strength of those legendary criminals in person! YAHOO!!!"

Veronica and Griamore were both left utterly baffled, "Uh… the fuck…"



A crack was soon formed from underneath the arena in the distance of the hill with Griamore and Veronica's eyes widening yelling out loud, "WHAT THE ACTUAL DOUBLE FUCK?!!!!"


Love♡Helm soon announces the winner of the Meliodas winning against Ban with a lot of property damage shown, "The winner of the preliminaries for Group D is Meliodaf!! That's one amazing kid!"

Despite the approval of the uproar win from Meliodas Mash asked a bit shaken up sensing Meliodas turning serious witnessing his Demon Clan Mark appearing, "D-Diane… you felt and saw what he did right… gave me the fucking shivers…."

Diane slowly nodded noticing the power shift Meliodas calmly answered his question hiding her nervousness, "I've seen the captain look like that… once before. Why… does it make me feel so nervous?"

Soon enough Meliodas appears before the two seeing their glum expressions asking in a confused tone, "Yo, you guys! Why all the glum faces? Don't tell me you were all betting on Ban winning?"

Mash soon regained his composure asking Meliodas in a calm tone trying to calm his nerves feeling his Demonic Power, "Ahem! It's nothing. So, Bossman, are you sure you're okay? Ban did take everything out of you after all?"

Meliodas merely replied with a thumbs up answering Mash's question in an upbeat tone, "See for yourself! The moment I sent Ban flying, I was as good as new!"

The duo merely let the issue go seeing that Meliodas was fine. And soon enough Diane's turn soon came with Love♡Helm announcing her turn, "Now for the next fight! The first pair for the semifinals will be Group A's winner, Matrona versus Group B's winner Howzer!!"

With that, the matches between Howzer and Diane began to pick up with Love♡Helm announcing the next round with both fighters at the ready, "Let's pick up the pace!! The first bout of the semi-finals begins now!!"



Meanwhile riding upon two magical flying manta ray creatures stood Jericho, Guila, and another member flying their way to Vaizel.

Jericho after drinking Demon Blood and gaining Magical Powers spoke in a neutral tone, "Guila. How much longer until Vaizel."

Guila answered Jericho's impatient question with a bemused grin both fully armored in an excited tone, "We'll be there in no time. Don't get so worked up, Jericho."

Jericho merely held her blade at the ready asking Guila in a curious tone marveling her Magical Powers, "Of course I'm going to get worked up. I'll get to use this power to my heart's content. And besides you fought with the Seven Deadly Sins before correct Guila? Guila...?"

Guila on the other hand clenched her weapon at the thought confessing in a neutral tone but the smile on her face spoke otherwise, "No… Before I could follow them to the Capital of the Dead, I was stopped by their… cook. So, I have no idea how strong they are. Besides that, I must thank the cook for my haircut my brother Zeal seems to love my new look... then I shall bomb him."

Jericho simply raised an eyebrow sensing some tension and revenge against a simple cook but she didn't dare open up since Ban wronged her so who was she to judge for getting revenge simply shrugged thinking to herself in a confident tone, 'Besides I doubt that buffoon of a cook can stop our planned attack. Not after I became powerful drinking the Demon's blood. Not even The Seven Deadly Sins would be a match for us so much as that cook that bested Guila! Hmph!'

Jericho would only smile having confidence in her skill if only she didn't invoke Murphy's law… and Murphy found himself a pair of bitches' day to ruin that day.