Chapter 87: Complete Set (2)

Chapter 87: Complete Set (2)

~Third POV~

Mash listening to Regulus' words scoffs at him walking closer to him and dropping down to the ground in an annoyed tone, "When you insult people like that on the regular, of course you're gonna get hit with the divorce papers, Regulus-san."

Even turning around on his side is an arduous task for Regulus, when he sees his attacker Mash sighs at him in an annoyed tone, "I never woulda thought everyone collaborate so well to pull it off, Regulus-san."

Regulus was confused observing Mash steadily coming closer in a baffled tone, "Why're, you here... no, then, you devised this?"

Mash, Regulus, finally catches up with what's happening as Mash shrugs, mouth twisted into a grin belittling him, "Could anyone else?"

Regulus's eyes house fury spouting nonsense in Mash's direction cursing him as he spouts nonsense at him, "Curse you, bastard scum! Do you comprehend what it is you have done!? Took my wives, my beloved wives! And in my presence, burned them dead along with my mansion! Do you comprehend the immorality and wickedness of your deeds? Wife-murdering prat!"

Mash was stunned in disbelief by Regulus' claims narrowing at him as he asked for his wives to come to see his demise, "Man that angle's so unexpected I'm too stunned to speak. Just saying, your wives offered their own lives for the anti-heart strategy. Here let them see you trash."


Snapping his fingers the remaining wives of Regulus come out falling speechless, "-Im, possible."

Regulus falls speechless. It's this thing where Regulus finds it so utterly unexpected that Mash finds it incomprehensible.

Regulus kept many women so dubbed 'wives' in his mansion, extolling the greatness of a married life where he threatened to violently murder them if they ever disobeyed him. If that was all it was, then it'd just look like a horrendously malicious kind of harem, but the Cardinal's repulsiveness doesn't end there.

The scoundrel entrusted his own heart to his wives, rendering his own body stopped in time, immortal, and invincible. The only way to kill the Cardinal of Greed Regulus Corneas is to return his heart to him.

Mash knew this meant killing all his targets for housing his heart, and his wives, and robbing it of anywhere to hide. That was one means the other is to use Subraru's means using his [Unseen Hand] to phase into their bodies obtaining Regulus pieces of his Witch Factor of Greed safely without any wives caught in the crossfire.

After listening to Mash's plan, they all but agreed with Regulus's imprisoned women who resolved the conflict for him all glared at him as Mash responded in an indifferent tone, "They were content with dying so long as it got them payback on you fortunately for them I have a better plan. Man, even I haven't heard of verbal abuse bad enough to drive people to do that."

Regulus in a state of disbelief refused to see placing himself in a higher position than everyone ranting in a delirious state, "Who would possibly believe that, nonsense... I, I loved my wives! And so they ought to love me back! Yes!? You don't think it's strange otherwise!? And still! Why have those damn women inflicted such suffering on me, that would indispose them as wives!"

Mash mutters out loud looking irked as he averts his gaze from Regulus craziness, "...You're being serious. That's the terrifying thing about you guys."

Regulus' gaze lands on Mash as he brushes the soot off himself before noticing Sylph his 184th wife a woman with golden blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has similar hair to that of Emilia and noticeable cute features. She also wears a dress.

Sylph's eyes flashed disdain and hate towards Regulus cursing him her face full of emotion of pain at her captor's demise, "You… you can rot in hell. Die you monster. Die alone, you useless coward. Predator. Devil. Demon. Monster. Go to hell and pay for your sins you vile dirty freak of nature!! DIE! DIE!! DIE!!!"

Yelling to her heart's content Mash's lips twist into a frown as he points at the limbless Regulus Mash stabs him in the chest using his [Lion's Pride] shock-filled Regulus eyes sees him using his Authority using Life Sword Zeam screams in pain, "GghaaaaAH!"

Mash soon tosses Regulus' body into the weaker part of the fire completing his promise to the imprisoned woman in a neutral tone, "There. Just as promised you all get to see him burn to death. Even throwing him into a weaker part of the fire. We'll watch him burn."

Sylph nodded appreciating with tears of joy seeing Regulus die in the fire in a thankful tone, "Very well, understood... and thank you for granting us this wish."

Mash simply nods to the imprisoned wives 's cruel instructions, not looking conflicted in the least. The cursing Regulus onto a pile of smoldering wood scraps at the edge of the blazing mansion.

His body burning, to be roasted in flames until death, the man's shriek echoes through the night sky. Without their expressions changing in the slightest, Mash and Beatrice watch him die with Sylph responding in a cold tone, "An insect, for how their noise is calming, would be preferable to him."

Once the long, long, death wail comes to its end, Mash transports the ladies to the Emilia Camp explaining the situation increasing Emilia's Camp and tales of the Sin Archbishop of Greed's demise for all to hear...

When they were done Mash obtained the second portion of the Authority of Greed that used to belong to [Little King's] ability. When he absorbed his ability the Authority changed according to the desires of the user testing out his new ability as everything around him froze in place for 5 seconds before everything returned to normal from stopped time as he smiled.

The second ability of the Authority of Greed, [My World].


[Annerose Miload Estate]

Standing inside the estate Clind despite being at least 400 years in age, Clind appears to be a handsome young man around the age of twenty with a slender face with a tall, lean body. Along with that, he has eyebrow-length blue hair. Clind wears a well-starched black butler uniform with a frilly blue tie and sports a monocle on his left eye.

He currently sat down listening to Mash's tale of killing the Sin Archbishop of Greed assisting the imprisoned wives sighing out loud of his request, "Sigh… sir Bastion you have left quite the ordeal for me to handle. Especially you coming to claim my Witch Factor of Melancholy."

Clind took a sip of tea with Mash taking a sip explaining with a shrug of his shoulders in a neutral tone, "Yeah. Sorry to barge this on you especially when I returned for a short visit. I just thought I was gonna need to handle the rest. For that I kind of need your Witch Factor no worries though you won't die I simply take it from your person with my Authority of Sloth phasing through your body."

This caused Clind to roll his eyes seemingly uncaring about his Witch Factor Authority of Melancholy in a neutral tone, "Sure. Not like I have a choice mind you since you control my boss Roswaal who has controlled me through the 400 years. Although I'm curious how you knew if you don't mind me asking?"

Contrary to having his Authority taken Clind seems rather nonchalant about the ordeal despite his prejudice towards some races as Mash answers a bit surprised, "You know one would think they would be concerned about losing your power. Don't you use it to teleport around though?"

Clind merely laughed ultimately leaning to the back of his chair in a carefree tone, "I do. But because you ordered the clown to command me to hand it over without dying… well you can see my situation then, can't you?"

Mash could only nod seeing Clind's case. Being born before the Great Calamity, Clind was acquainted with the Witches and Warlocks of that era. At some point in time, he made a contract with a young Roswaal A Mathers which entailed Clind to protect Roswaal's property by any means.

According to Roswaal, he had compensated the contract with Clind by forming a united front and defeating Roswaal's yet-unnamed nemesis. Clind has faithfully abided by his contract ever since, due to his ability to perceive souls and sense Roswaal A Mathers' soul in the bodies of his descendants.

At some point in the future, Clind encountered the Melancholy Witch Factor, which granted him the Authority he possesses to this day. It only happened perchance when they defeated his long-awaited nemesis of Hector the Warlock of Melancholy trapped in a Sanctuary made specifically to counter him at the time.

Mash simply shrugs his shoulders obtaining the Authority of Melancholy registered in the system as he stands up stretching, "Welp! That takes care of one of the Witch Factors of Melancholy now time for the others. Wish me luck!"


Leaving through the portal Clind sighs slightly annoyed muttering taking a sip of the tea he prepared, "Sigh… he could've at least answered my question. Oh, well I met weird people such as Warlocks or Witches. I'll chalk it up to their crazy shenanigans."

Clind merely sighs enjoying his break before assisting Sylph and others with a workload for him to care of…


[Priscilla Barielle Estate]

Surrounded in the middle of the night Al the holder of the Witch Factor of Pride holds his sword steady against his clothed attacker in a serious tone, "Listen here, intruder… I won't allow anyone to wander through Priscilla's estate. Or else you enter my [Domain]…"

Al readied his stance and prepared to fight the cloaked assailant Mash taking a step forward and remaining silent.

But soon one of his [Unseen Hands] phased through his chest obtaining the Witch Factor of Pride enhancing his own Authority before he swiftly ran away managing to obtain the required Witch Factor.


Al remained cautious but felt something off unaware he lost his Witch Factor in a discouraged tone, "Strange… despite the invader coming here I felt as if I lost something in return… that's what my warrior instinct tells me."

Sheathing his sword Al growls wondering why he felt defeated turning away and wondering what felt wrong dashing forward to find the invader.

But by the time he allowed the invader to flee Mash was long gone using his Authority of Melancholy having capabilities of spatial abilities getting out of sight evading caution or being caught in the act…

The ability of the Authority of Melancholy, [Delete Space].


[Edge of the Waterfall]




A battle could be seen as two remaining members of the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony could be seen as Lye Batenkaitos and Roy Alphard fighting against the forces of Mash [Unseen Hands] slaughtering the Witch Cult with no hesitation.

Both the insane bruised up with Mash holding the Shadow Sword in an annoyed tone, "Hey why don't you both do me the favor and die already! It's like dealing with the circus clowns here tracking you lot down!"


Slamming multiple [Unseen Hands] down Mash was visibly frustrated by their sheer agility and vitality to endure and continue struggling with Roy grunting with a glare, "Says the fucking bastard wanting to kill us for a power-up!"

Lye on the other hand found the perfect gourmet his mouth salivating trying to get close to Mash to devour his being licking his lips, "Hahaha… I can't wait to gobble you up! You proved to be quite the delightful meal after this!!!"


Both siblings rushed forward to touch Mash with their hands relying on instinct to avoid the [Unseen Hands] power. Mash merely grinned and spoke in a cold tone, "Authority of Greed, [My World]."

Soon time froze to a standstill, but Mash moved. Touching their faces Mash used the Authority of Gluttony, [Gluttony] licking the left palm of his hand relishing in their combat experience into his with a satisfied lick, "Have to say that was delicious taste. It tasted almost as good as your sister – and I just realized how it sounded sigh…"

Realizing too late at his words with time resuming Mash regained the full Authority powers of Gluttony gaining the Authorities of [Splitting], and [Demon Beast Creation].

He sighed grabbing dirt as he activated his Authority of Greed [Lion's Pride] and applying it to the dirt with time returning to normal.



By stopping their time and throwing them towards his enemies. As the time of these small objects was stopped, the objects effectively acted as anomalies in the world, being cut off from the flow of time.

They passed through anything they collided with, no matter the sturdiness, leaving behind only small holes–if the structure was still left standing in the first place. If thrown at an individual or an animal, the objects would naturally travel through them, completely shredding and goring them, usually leaving behind nothing more than an unrecognizable pile of flesh or a bloody mist…

What exactly happened to both Roy and Ley dying instantly with Mash obtaining the complete set of Witch Factor Authority of Gluttony with a grin said in a confident tone, "I got it! That makes Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Pride, and Melancholy complete. Wrath, Lust, Vainglory, and Envy are the only ones left. And speaking of Envy…"


Mash opened the portal leading to his next destination with a determined glint in his eyes and proceeded inside that radiated high-intensity Miasma that could kill anyone but those who obtained the Witch Factor to resist it…

Soon enough Mash closed his eyes as he stepped inside ready to meet Satella the Witch of Envy.