Chapter 119: Battle of Servants (3)

Chapter 119: Battle of Servants (3)

~Mash B. POV~

[Trifas, Fortress of Millennia]

Finding myself in the crosshairs of Rider of Black AKA Astolfo the TRAP this homunculus appeared looking quite scared as he rushed to defend him from me, "I don't know how you got in here mister but I'm not about to – "

Before he could continue I called a ceasefire raising an eyebrow at the weird situation in a curious tone, "Hold up! I call a ceasefire on why are you protecting him? Is he your Master or something? No…"

My eyes widen realizing connecting the dots slamming my fist into the other palm of my hand in genuine surprise, "You're planning to jailbreak him out of this place, right?"

Astolfo honestly looked confused even answering my question in disbelief in his tone, "What how did you know!"

I didn't. I just guess idiot.

But this did pique my interest asking in a curious tone leaning forward to the duo with them being cautious, "Wait… wouldn't you help... him escape from the Yggdmillennia despite knowing the retribution you would receive from the rest of the Black Faction for this treacherous act."

Astolfo merely grinned drawing his lance at the ready happily answering my question with his optimistic attitude, "Heheh… yeah. I kind of left my heart and decided to help him out. At least to satisfy myself you know. Wait why am I talking to you? You are the enemy!"

Shaking his head I like this guy. He seems like a guy who leaves all hard decisions as a matter for his heart to decide on the spot, following the course he deems most fit. He does as he pleases without regret, and such obviousness of course would be hard to fathom from anyone other than him.

Smirking at this Servant of Rider I couldn't help but respect his choices choosing not to battle against him since he reminds me of Iskander in some ways, "True. But not today! You have mad respect for doing what you like following your heart. Astolfo right? You want my help setting him to a nearby village?"

He blinked seemingly ignoring the fact that were enemies in a friendly manner with wide-eyed shock, "Ehhh?! Seriously! No for real man!! Like no kidding seriously help a bro out kind of moment?!!"

I nodded my head grinning as I tapped on the homunculi giving him a name that I finally remembered offering some cash for him to a nearby village, "Yeah way man. Here you go… I'll call you Seig. Take this cash I'll transport you to Arlam village you won't be tracked. There are good people I know who can take care of you. Just say Mash Bastion sent you Emilia and the others will know."


Before he could respond I already sent him to Arlam Village in the Re: Zero world. I can't play babysitter with him around, so I sent him to the remote best place dimensions away for his safety.

Isekaing Seig away with Astolfo crying for such an abrupt moment, "Sniff… they grow up so fast but now… ehh…"

Scratching the back of his head returning to our situation being enemies having his jousting lance out and asked in a confused tone, "So… do we just fight? I mean you are kind of invading enemy territory, and I was summoned to fight but I don't want to hurt a bro you know?"

I sagely nodded understanding his predicament with my arms crossed placing my hand under my chin in a deep tone, "I agree fellow brother/friend/friend-enemy. But alas it is FATE of the Holy Grail War… fucking bummer."

We both sighed in mutual understanding on that front. At least Fou should be busy guarding the Gamer Hub my territory with the amount of food I feed that damn thing on the basis.

That was when Astolfo suggested raising his finger upward of another option with a mischievous grin on his face, "OR… hear me out, bro. Ahem! We could pretend we never met. It's just stupid and mad that it might just work."

I blinked genuinely confused tilting my head my tone laced with doubt, "Does that ever work?"

Astolfo sighed slumping his shoulders and admitting much to my surprise how often having a dumb plan works in a proud tone, "You have no idea brother. Hell, the misadventures of my legend allowed me to have dumb plans and succeed! Like this one time, this Lance could cripple people below the knees giving it to some stranger in a jousting tournament on a whim!"

I paused looking at that jousting Lance with genuine horror asking the serious question in a blank tone, "You have a fucking Noble Phantasm that essentially cripples people below the knees? Like… the fuck dude."

He merely puffed his chest proudly as if I was encouraging him! Well… not gonna lie that sounds like a pretty OP Noble Phantasm. I'm glad I'm friends with Rider of Black.

However, he soon asked me in a curious tone while were friendly on the subject, "Oh! What's your goal anyway charging into the base?"

I replied to his question shrugging my shoulders as I extended my arms outward, "To take valuable info from the Magus sociopaths. And to leave a funny message to fucking Count Dracula saying, 'Come here and suck on these bloody nuts'."

Astolfo sweated beads of sweat slowly expressing a mischievous grin spreading across his face, "Not gonna lie that's a surefire way to piss him off since he hates being called Dracula… I can give you the exact place where he sits all day to pull this off if you don't kill our Masters. So, if you're a true bro…"

I raised my hand telling him to stop respecting the bro code Astolfo smiled, "No need bro. I understand now… we're going to need a lot of ketchup."

We both grinned having a prankster-like idea. It's official now. I officially like the Rider of Black is the best Servant in this Great Holy Grail War. Are all fucking Riders just true bros man or what –



Dodging an attack at me I looked at Rider in disbelief yelling as he tried to pierce me, "The hell man! I thought we were cool!"

But that was when I noticed him struggling to move lightly sighing in a disappointed tone, "Sigh… sorry bro but it seems like my Master used her Command Seal to have me attacked through the surveillance network here. This is such bullshit."

You're telling me. I wasn't the one who got attacked which granted wouldn't have worked but it's the intent and action man. And you wanted to pierce me with your… I'm not gonna dignify that with a response.

But I got what I came here for. Using my [Unseen Hands] to touch the Masters of the Black Faction I gained their knowledge of the Magecraft they've been working on with [Gluttony] sharing their meals. That's a gain to me.

Now is the time I get the hell out of here knowing the future battle ahead. Grinning I instantly teleported away using my Authority of Melancholy, [Delete Space] towards my Baeber location.



~Mordred P. POV~

[Evening, Forest of Trifas]


Ah, stop this shit already!

I'm already annoyed by the fact that despite Berserker of Black AKA Frankenstein fleeing before we could kill her with our Archer their guys are better than our own Archer. After all, the bastard tried to headshot me on multiple occasions at this point only for me to block or our Archer providing countering fire.


And let's not forget this asshole trying to stake us madly because of my Dracula comment. It certainly struck a nerve about his legend.

Rider of Red seems to be handling well but he won't go anywhere near Vlad. I noticed how not all wounds on him are fatal in the least but is weary about his ankles much to my confusion… unless that's his weakness.

But then again –


Growling nearly avoiding the spikes interrupting my thoughts. I growled at the Lancer of Black with clear disdain and annoyance, "Would you stop doing that and fight like a man you bitch ass Vampire! Come fight me!"

He growled commenting at my words agitating him greatly extending both his arms up as multiple spikes grew out from the ground, "You dare call me by that ridiculous title that ruined my legends!! How dare you worthless peasant to make me a fool in my territory!! My domain!! DIE!!"


Multiple metal spikes began to form charging at both in masses growling in annoyance with Rider of Red chiming in with a bead of sweat trickling down his face, "Yah… that's not gonna end well. But – Oh come on really?"


That was when we both dodged the incoming wave of spikes as we ran leaping off the tree branches one after another with Rider of Red informing me with a disappointed sigh, "Aw man… Sorry Saber of Red but it seems like I'm being called to retreat. You want to join up or return to your Master?"

I frowned under my helmet. With Master taking out Vlad is possible, but he said he needed to gather or do something in the enemy stronghold. And frankly, I was expecting a good fight with one of the Servants.

But Lancer of Black is unexpectedly powerful. Must be because of his home turf advantage being a Hero in his lands and his Noble Phantasm [Kazikli Bey] while weak in creating these spikes has insane range.

His Noble Phantasm isn't the strongest but it's an army killer that's for sure. A literal one-man army. Damn, it's like facing Master with his numerous waves of created weapons launched at me. If this was a one-on-one then I'm for sure as hell can't win not running away and especially not doing a suicide attack.

Considering my option, I'll retreat with the other Servants to see who we are teamed up with since I sense Berserker of Red is restrained or dead. His Magical Energy suddenly stopped leaving me to wonder if he died or if he was captured.

Having no choice but to retreat I agreed with Rider of Red for now curtly nodding with him smiling having arrows all over his body thanks to Archer of Black Chiron grinning, "Haha! Good! This is amazing with this fight, but I think it's time to run! O Gods of Olympus. Bestow glory and honor upon this battle! HWEEEE!!!"

Calling out to his ride I assume summoned a 3-horse chariot as he got on. I followed riding with him as Rider of Red spoke in a satisfied tone, "Archer of Black! Let's settle our match another time! Next time, I'll make sure to see your face!"


Riding away on his chariot I looked seeing the other servants from afar. But soon my head turned to Archer of Red who leaped into the air to catch a ride.

She had these animal cat ears as she spoke to me in a distant tone giving me a look over up and down, "… And you must be the Saber of Red. I'm the Archer of Red."


Before anyone could respond my Master had to pop up alarming the Servants of Red but calmed down seeing it was my Master talking in a pleasant tone, "Yo Baeber how's it hanging – "


I attempted to kill my master again calling me by that disgraceful name growling at him, "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME BAEBER!!!"

He tanked the attack much to the other's shock as he looked relatively unharmed sighing and shaking his head taunting his child, "Sigh… what shall I do with you Baeber –"


I attacked again but he remained unharmed. One of these days I'm gonna harm my Master one way or another!!


~Third POV~

[Worldline: Fate/Stay Night]

[Clock Tower]

With Mash gone time passed with his presence gone. Fate/Zero would surely turn into the Fate/Stay Night in a few years ahead... thus a small butterfly flickered making waves and inflicting the famous butterfly effect...

Within a room stood an average Magus observing the reports of the previous Fuyuki City Holy Grail War with an amused expression on his face muttering in his quarters, "… the reports of the previous war Holy Grail has been cleansed of the World Wills Evils huh? How fascinating…"


Taking a stand up from his spot the man soon opened a compartment with a neutral grin plastered on his face revealing a wooden box, "With the Holy Grail cleansed it would be best to make my wish come true. Especially since the Barthomeloi Family using their resources to search for this Mash Bastion across the globe."

The man sighed shaking his head the current head of the Barthomeloi Family is searching for him to use to produce an heir that could surpass her once the news of such an individual was known within the church.

But to him, it didn't matter. Although the idea of using his daughter Olga to produce a Divine Spirit donned in flesh heir sounded useful, he was busy with projects like the Demi-Servant creation theories.

Alas, the man shook his head as he took the box casually opening it to reveal a single golden mystical ring muttering in an excited tone, "The time will soon come. And with this golden ring that once belonged to the [King of Magic] victory is all but mine with my catalyst. I'll merely wait for the time to begin."

The man merely smiled for when the day to initiate the Human Order would begin…