The truth shall come to light

The months were passing by and Selena's 'baby bump' was growing heavier. She was now too 'heavy' to walk around so she usually stayed in her room.

"Oberon, I want some chicken," she pouted.

She had begun to crave a lot of things, since she was 'pregnant.'

"Yes, it that is what you want, I will get if for you," he rushed out of the room to get her some chicken.

She now had almost everyone at her fingertips. She would yell at the poor maids at any slightest provocation, sometimes she would hit them if it crossed her head.

Since everyone was at her beck and call, she would order anything she wanted, sometimes she even made Oberon leave meetings all because of her.

Oberon came back with the chicken she had requested for.

"Are you still not satisfied?"

She shook her head, "I want a leg massage," she pouted and rolled her eyes.

He drew his head backwards, "Leg massage?"