Don't purchase this chapter until it's edited!!!

Selena sat with Due for the rest of the day. She was too scared to go back in her room so she stayed with Due.

"You will be fine Selena, just calm down and take it easy, you don't have to be hard on yourself okay?"

"It was real, I mean I could feel their presence, it was so real," she shook still in shock of what she had encountered.

Due did her best in trying to comfort her, "You will be fine, just take it easy on yourself, you were probably just hallucinating."

"I know what I saw, I was not hallucinating," she shook her head.

"Who knows if it was your eyes playing with you? Just calm down."

Selena held her head, "How could my eyes have played with me?"

"You must be thinking too much, what exactly are you thinking about?"

She blinked, "I was not thinking about anything, I had been on my own."

"Hm, you just saw them appear in your room?"