A look back in time

"You did tell me."

Everyone turned to see Due who stood at the entrance. She held a straight face and walked towards them.

Selena blinked her eyes, "Huh?"

Due got to where they stood, "I have something to confess your majesty," she lowered her gaze.

Oberon was still recovering from his shock, "What do you have to say," he asked completely void of any strength.

She exhaled deeply, "Selena had found that on time, she knew she was not your mate after a particular incident, that we never narrated to you," she shook her head.

"May I know what that incident is?"

Due looked at Selena, "Forgive me."


Elena hugged her before leaving Due and Selena together.

Selena looked at Due. When she was sure they were from earshot, she told Due, "They looked so happy, I do not feel right."

"What do you intend on doing? Tell them it is fake? Do you really have the heart to do that?"