Lost Alpha

Oberon had carved what he said he would, given it to the different leaders of each group and sent them away, wishing them well.

After they had all gone, he sat down on a rock just opposite his palace, once again sadness filled his heart.

He looked on at his very own palace, it had been taken away from him. He closed his eyes, trying so hard to bottle the tears in.

Someone came and held his shoulder. He qui quickly wiped his eyes and looked up, it was No one.

He raised his brow, "Yes?"

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Obviously, I have nowhere else to go, the only place I had.. has been taken away from me," he shook his head.

"Calm down, we can always take it back, we just need the right time and right plan with which to strike."

"I know, I just feel so devasted and helpless, why is this happening to me?"