One big scheme

He arched his brows, "Okay? What is it?"

She exhaled deeply, "Now, I have sparked off a quarrel between Aegis and his most trusted adviser probably since they were together."

"Well, I told him, I would be able to help him to get you, which is a lie of course," she twisted her lips.

Oberon sighed, "Go on.."

"So.. now.. he made me his "special adviser" which is somehow an achievement on the first day I went there."

"Oh, you are his most special adviser now?" Dora asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

She nodded, "Yes. Now, the elder who used to be his special adviser now wanted to marry me."

"Wait what? Why?!" Oberon quickly chipped in.

"It is not as if I want to marry him, of course I am not doing that. Let me finish," she huffed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Anything could happen. You can not just go around with what that guy is saying, he might really want you, you have to be more careful," he frowned.