A best friend's save

 Thane gawked at the bloody sight in front of him, unable to speak, or move, he just stared.

 "Hmm, come on wrap his body up, we will need it," their leader ordered them, ignoring his presence.

 "What did you do?" He gasped, his eyes was stinging badly at the sight.

 "That is none of your business, and it does not concern you," he rolled his eyes.

 Thane was weakened, he had not even spent a few nights with Carmilla, and he had already been murdered.

"You missed the drama," one of the rogues chuckled.

Thane was more than angry, he was enraged, bitter, and helpless at that point. Did this mean Archi was better than him at everything? He hadn't found his best friend's mother yet, and now he couldn't save his friend from his very kind.

They took Thane's body, and slung it over their shoulder, "Bye, see you around," he grinned, and attempted to walk past him.