The Game Begins

In the bustling city of Evermore, the stage was set for a deadly encounter. Dominic Falcone, a notorious hitman, positioned himself on the rooftop of a towering building, overlooking the busy streets below. His target, the leader of a powerful gang, had just stepped out of his car, surrounded by a group of loyal bodyguards.

As the target made his way through the bustling crowd, unaware of the danger lurking above, a sense of tension filled the air. The bodyguards remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. Little did they know, Falcone had already set his sights on his prey.

Dominic, his finger on the trigger, whispered with a cold determination, "Your time has come, my friend."

Suddenly, a single shot rang out, cutting through the noise of the city. The bodyguards' eyes widened in shock as they realized what had just transpired. Their leader, the once-feared gangster, collapsed to the ground, lifeless.