Chapter 88: Steady Relief

Kiara turns to the gateman and asks, "Is Doctor Einstein in?" The elderly man nods positively to her question.

"Thanks," she mutters and leads the rest into the massive mansion where she meets Doctor Einstein sipping a cup of coffee in the parlour couch.

Doctor Einstein, unperturbed by the sudden announcement of Kiara's arrival, continued to sip his coffee, his nonchalance masking the machinations that churned beneath his placid façade.

But as Kiara approached, her presence a brewing storm of emotion, the doctor sprang to life, his smile a veneer of feigned delight.

"You are finally here, my dear Kiara," he gushed, his voice dripping with insincerity. "How is your career booming?."

"My career has been quite successful, thank you," Kiara responded, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of weakness.