Pocket Nazi’s & Hells Got Clowns

New episode of Helluva Boss came out and it's given me ideas for future chapters down the line for what to do.


A few days after the announcement of the shortened Extermination everyone in Pride was freaking out as a result but the rest of hell didn't care as it had no effect on any of the other rings after all.

As for me I wasn't to happy seeing Charlie have a panic attack from the sudden shortened extermination since it was my fault it was shortened to such a degree in the first place.

"Vaggie, take care of her alright, I'm going to figure somethings out about all of this and see what I can do on my end." I said as I patted her shoulder before I headed on out before making a few calls.

"Luna, get the men geared up, when the time comes I want those birds in the sky." I tell her as I call her while I begin my way back down to Envy, taking the more 'scenic' route through the rings in my convertible.

"Really? You want to finally put fear into heaven with this?" She asked knowing exactly what I wanted to do.

"When the day comes I'm not going to be surprised they send down more angels than ever before to make a statement, this time we will show them that hell isn't their playground anymore." I say as I begin to enter Wrath as I see the countryside come into view.

"Got it, who's going to be in the sky's when it all goes down?" She asks to which I just grin.

"Those of the Third Reich would love nothing more to not only kill angels, but to earn their freedom from The Pit and be able to actually live in Pride proper." I chuckle just thinking about it.

Not every soul I claimed from earth I had consumed to nourish my power as normal humans that had done very little evil can end up down here in hell so every nazi soldier that died had their soul given to me from the deal I had struck with their Führer to help them take over the world and which I did until Angels started to help the Allies turn the tides making the Axis powers to lose the war but winning or losing never matter to me, all I wanted was all of their soldiers souls after they died and that's what I got, and most of them I never consumed but them slaves to work down in Greed in The Pit.

The Pit itself is a massive area of land that has immense amounts of resources that seem to be neverending that gave both me and Mammon massive amounts of profits that made us all the more richer so making those wretched souls earn a chance at freedom, oh they would fight those angels to the death to be able to live normal lives if they got the chance.

"I see, how many are we sending out then?" She asks not remotely surprised I would choose them for this.

"We're using all of them, will have 20 in the air at all times with the remaining ones on standby in the meantime, but I got to go, got some other work to do." I say as we both say our goodbyes as I snap my fingers before opening a rift to jump past the rings and into Lust from the outskirts of Wrath.

After speeding down the highway I ended up in Erotica before I went to one of my private studios I use exclusively for talents I see are worth my time and effort to put work into, and luckily I found two.

When I arrived the dance choreographer was going through the motions for the twin sisters on how they should dance as they had come up with their song already after realizing that a quick way to stardom for them is to become Mammon's new poster girls as they were singing and dancing to their song 'Klown Bitch'

(Look up the unofficial full version for the entire song, it's pretty damn good)

"Nice one girls, you got your moves and the music for the headliner, but before all of that you need to learn how to best be a clown in the first place." I say to them which makes them look a bit confused.

"Aint being a Clown all about being funny?" Glitz said to which I shook my head.

That's only half of it, you need to be entertaining as well, and since this is hell you need to be sexy as well, that dance number and song helped with the sexy and entertainment part but the clown Pagent's focus is about being the best clown their is down here in hell." I say before snapping my fingers as a unicycle appears before I hop on it and do some tricks of my own.

Juggling while riding a unicycle, on fire while on a tightrope suspended 50 feet in the air.

Making various types of complicated balloon animals/people, pie throwing and everything inbetween, clowns are the mixture of an acrobat an entertainer and a comedian, that's the true essence of what a clown is after all and so long as what you do entertains the audience and gets their approval then you truly are becoming a real clown.

Seeing all that Glitz and Glam went out of their way to start working on their actual clown Performance which they quickly took to like a fish to water.

*Money Money Money, In a Rich Mans World*

"Yo Moneybags! To what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?" I asked as Mammon called me himself for some reason, probably having to do with getting more money or something.

"Ehh nothing much you old fucker, just checking in to see if your still going to be showing up to the whole clown Pagent thing with the whole pesky extermination happening a few weeks before it now with them bumping the deadline forward and all that." He says to which I just chuckle.

"Oh don't worry your little head about that, I got that taken care of, in fact I have it in my right mind to host a massive celebration all across hell after that day comes." I say with a feral grin to which he laughs hearing that.

"Oho man! Is it finally time? Is it finally happening?!" He said sounding all excited like to which I grinned.

"Yes, it's time we sent Heaven a message they soon won't forget…."