Heaven, Here we Come!

"Are you sure about this? What if-" Lucifer asked feeling unsure of himself as I just grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm positive, this needs to be done and only our little girl can go to heaven herself, we can't go along with her but she will have Vaggie at her side and I will let my best servant join her on this endeavor of hers, he is the best man I have for the job." I say trying to keep him calm while keeping up the nice guy act with Lucifer due to us both declaring a truce between us both for Charlie's sake until after the extermination.

I snap my fingers before my personal butler, Alfred, steps out from the summoning portal while he wipes down his glasses before putting them back on, "How may I be of service Sir?"


"Alfred, I have a job for you, an important one at that, soon enough Lucifer here will be getting in contact with heaven to set up a meeting with my, no Our little Angel Charlie is going to meet up with them and discuss how sinners should be given a chance at redemption, now since it's a courtroom I think it's best she has someone who is an actual lawyer to help her in her wish." I said as I knelt down to his height.

I then whispered in his ear before pulling back, "You understand right?" To which he nodded.

"For you master, your will is my own, I shall help Lady Charlie in anyway I can." He said with a nod.

"Good, now then go make the call, the sooner this is done and out of the way the better for all of us." I say as I turn towards Lucifer who just clicks his tongue.

"You don't need to tell me what I was already going to do!" He says seeming pissed as usual before he opens a portal back to his workshop before he stops and looks over his shoulder at me.

"I assume you already have a plan to help her should this trip of hers not work out right?" He asks me to which I just smirk.

"Who do you think I am, of course I have friends to help her out whenever she needs it, and many sinners want to get back at Heaven for killing their loved ones in past exterminations after all." I say which pointed out why not many sinners were flocking to Join Charlie's Hotel in the first place.

Why go to heaven, even if it's way better than hell if they have butchered people you loved and cared about and tried to kill you on a yearly basis, excluding all the Workers in the Hotel only Angeldust, Mayberry and Pentious are her only real guests trying to redeem themselves and go to heaven and since Mayberry, nobody else has tried or desired to be redeemed and go to heaven.

Hearing that he just nodded before departing to make the call to Heaven before I turned back to Alfred before handing him a vital object for himself, "You know when to use it, you shall be rewarded for your efforts even if Heaven doesn't listen to Charlie's Dream."

Alfred nodded before putting it inside his vest, "Worry not sir, I will look after like she is my own Granddaughter." He said with a bow which I nodded before I began to sink into an abyssal black sludge and disappeared from Hotel and Pride entirely.

When I reappeared I was once again within the Abyss but this region was still a land of slaughter and mayhem with blood staining the very ground I stood upon.

In the distance their was a specially made encampment I had created years ago after the Second World War, here is where I have kept the most vilest sinners that have ever existed have been gathered here.

I walk through the encampment seeing the sinners keeping their weapons clean and well maintained while firing squads were shooting at their targets.

Those that saw me immediately stood at attention and saluted me with a fist over their heart as I walked deeper into the encampment before I pulled out my cell and dialed her number.

"It's time."


It took nearly a month before Charlie, Vaggie and Alfred were approved to head up to Heaven proper due to many on the council of Seraphim having no desire for demons to be in Heaven.

But after many talks and Sera assuring nothing would happen they finally relented and allowed Charlie to go to heaven personally.

"Ooooh! I'm so excited Vaggie! Think about it! Heaven! I've always heard Dad talk about it and how wonderful a place it really is!" Charlie said all excitedly as she begins to pack her bags.

"Well it's a nice place, but Charlie why are you even Packing Clothes? We aren't even going to be up their for a day in the first place." Vaggie said with a sigh before turning to look towards Alfred who was placing Charlie's Bags into a dimensional storage, shaped like a pocket watch, that Cain had created for him to carry various things if the need arises.

"I am simply following the wishes of the young mistress, besides maybe we will be able to stay a few days and as such extra clothes will be needed in the mean-" he says before one of Charlie's overstuffed bags pops open as several rather riskie lingeries and sex toys fell out.." Alfred

Seeing this both Charlie and Vaggie's faces went beat red as they tried to explain themselves as Alfred Sighed, "Honestly, you and your Father Cain are such promiscuous individuals, like father like daughter you both just stuff this with everything else and not have your own bag for these toys of yours."

Both of their faces stayed red but only being able to silently nod as they agreed to what he had said while he produced a new bag ment for their toys.

"Alright enough about that, everything is set and ready to go." Alfred said as he didn't particularly care about the things those two got up to, he found the thing they had was Tame compared to the things he has seen Cain getting for himself or for the men and women he would fuck around with.

"Okay! I'm ready to see what heaven is all about!" Charlie said with a pep in her step as they left her room and headed down to the main foyer.

"Ready go my little angel?" Lucifer asked as he stood there, waiting for Charlie to give him the go ahead to open the gate.

"Yep! Alfred has all of my things and we are ready to go, wait where's Papa Cain?" She asks making Lucifer grit his teeth hearing her say that but held back his irritation as he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Master Cain is currently busy with other things, though having me here to aid you when we go up their Charlie is all you need, though he did tell me to hand you this before you went." He said reaching into his vest pocket to pull out a rather peculiar necklace.

"The Eye of Hell?! When in Hells name did he swipe that?! I thought that was lost years ago!" Lucifer shouted out seeing The Eye of Hell once more.

"The Eye of Hell?" Charlie was a bit confused as Alfred placed it in her hand while she looked at it.

"Yes, the Eye of Hell was the Key to Hells Original Surveillance System, The Random Eyes that you scattered all throughout the Rings? Well those are what it allowed the User to view through, however with technology developing rapidly thanks to Human Sinners it became a defunct relic, now after Master Cain Found it after the End of the Second World War he repurposed it for a different function, now it will allow him to view in on you while you wear it up in heaven, and if anything goes wrong he will do anything in his power to reach and protect you, just give it a drop of your blood and it will begin to work as it will only work so long as a Morningstars Blood is used as a catalyst for activation." He said before twisting the top dial to the amulet as a small needle jutted out from the upper right side of the amulet.

"Well Okay I guess, if it means Papa Cain is watching over me." She said before Lucifer could say anything she pricked her finger on the small needle as it promptly retracted as the eye opened before blinking as it looked around and back at Charlie before closing once more.

"Huh, I was expecting a bit more…." She said scratching her head while Alfred shook his head.

"That was just it being activated, unless you have it around your neck it won't work." Alfred said as he hopped on top of a Chair as he went and put the Hells Eye around her neck to which it opened once more.

Lucifer had a bad feeling, but he hoped it was just his imagination, "Alright, everything is all set and ready to go, Time for you to go meet some angels and see Heaven for yourself." He said before turning and opening up a portal to Heaven as they could all see the pearly golden gates of Heaven in the distance.

"Heaven, here we come!" Charlie said excitedly as all three of them began to walk through the portal and into Heaven proper.