Tower dungeon

Haruka was looking at the monsters in the surrounding area, but suddenly, the whole scene changed. They were in a different spot a second ago.

"What happened? We were not here a second ago," Haruka asked in shock.

"We tried to enter a tutorial area," said Akira, "so it teleported us to the other side. If not, how would we go to the dungeon with every area being a tutorial area?

If players can access tutorial areas more than one time, they can abuse it by making their subordinates strong. The system has to give more rewards to the same players too, which will take away rewards from other players. To make it fair, one player can only have one tutorial."

**Title: Limit Breaker

All stats +50

Attacks ignore 10% defense of enemies with a level higher than the player.

Skill: Throw

Rank: F (growth)

Increase damage of thrown items by 32%

Accuracy is increased

The range is increased by double**

'All stats increased by 50?' Akira was surprised; even he didn't know it would give such high stats. 'That's insane. No one got this in my previous life, but how do I know this title exists?

There is a book in the system shop that costs 100 billion coins called the titles list. Only the Chinese government purchased this book, and it became a national treasure. They purposefully released titles that couldn't be achieved by the public to show their dominance.

Although there are no rewards mentioned in the book, by the conditions to achieve them and the name, many organizations ranked these titles. They ranked this title in the middle because this is a beginner title, but this must be in the top 10 among all titles.

Luckily, both of us got it. Although these stats are not as good as leveling up now, at higher levels, each level needs high exp, so earning extra stats is most beneficial.

I or Ruka will try achieving all titles with extra stats. I already noted all the titles I can remember; there are 17 limited event titles. I already got one, next is to clear a dungeon.'

Midway, Akira changed his mask to a black bear mask and Haruka with a white rabbit mask. This way, no one could track them to their house.

By the time they reached the dungeon, many players already started to enter the dungeon. The dungeon was a tower with only one floor. It didn't have any radiant color.

When they reached the dungeon, they got a notification.

**Dungeons are differentiated by their radiant color. 

Red radiant means a skill reward dungeon. Blue radiant means a weapon reward dungeon. Yellow radiant means an artifact reward dungeon. Green radiant means a status effect skill reward dungeon.

A dungeon without radiant comes under other category; the before-mentioned rewards won't come in these dungeons.**

"Are we late?" Haruka asked as there were a lot of players.

"It's inevitable; this is the opposite side of our house in the city."

They both tried to rush in, but five people purposefully blocked them.

"Stop! You are not allowed inside," one man said. Those five men were in bodyguard suits with blunt weapons; most likely they got them from monsters like goblins.

"Black bear," Haruka called in worry.

"Don't worry," Akira said and punched the man in the stomach without warning. Akira was especially in a hurry to get inside with Haruka.

The other four got alert and tried to attack him, but Akira skillfully dodged and attacked all of them. They were no match for him. They just swung their weapons that they got from monsters. 

"Let's go, we already wasted a lot of time."

He took the weapons and rushed with Haruka inside. The previous players who got stopped also went inside after seeing that.

When they entered, their surroundings became dark.

"Ruka," Akira called, but no response. 'Damn it, why does it have to be a separating quest?'

A cutscene played in front of him.

A weak and fragile woman was behind a strong and brave man. They were in a wilderness with dry grass. Both of them were facing at least 1000 men with weapons, and they were equally brave, but maybe not strong because they weren't daring to attack him despite so much hostility on their faces. Each man was 7 to 8 feet tall.

"Ronald, give up. If she is sacrificed, the world will be saved," one man shouted from the crowd.

"No," Ronald strongly but patiently reproved them. "Woman's work is in the kitchen. As a man, if I fail to protect the world, then the wrong is on me."

"She is not even your wife. I know you are not the kind of man to covet another man's wife."

"This is not about the relationship. These are the rules and regulations. You all men decided to put women in the kitchen, so the responsibility of protection should not fall on them. As a man, I am upholding the rules and regulations. If you do not sacrifice her, we can fight those aliens and die like men. Let them forcefully take her. At least then the male children will grow up to be men."

"If they let our children go after attacking them, then we agree, but we don't know if they will spare our children after this."

"I do not think of such things," said Ronald. "There is another plan; go home and put on your wives' dresses and accessories. Declare yourselves as women. Then I will not touch you, and you can take her away."

That enraged all of them. So they all dashed forward to attack him.

The cutscene ended. Akira was able to see his body again. He was in a dark place; Haruka was nowhere to be seen, which made him very anxious.

'I don't have any information on this dungeon. Not just this, but most dungeons because information about dungeons is top secret for each individual or organization. I only know a few dungeons that heavenly snakes raided. This is not one of them.'


**Is Ronald's choice correct?


'I didn't expect a question and answer, but right and wrong are subjective in this case. So how should I answer this? There is not much information on the woman. For example, if the woman is an alien, those rules don't apply to her, and Ronald might be just upholding it on his own because she is a woman. So here he will be wrong.

They cleverly didn't reveal the woman's identity. If I knew what aliens look like it would be easy but they didn't mention anything about their figure. They could also just be humans with weapons.

Wait, if they were humans, they could have mentioned them as humans with weird weapons, as they were only using blunt weapons. Alien means a being from outer space, but warriors wouldn't put the real meaning into words. They will purely judge them by appearance. So by alien, they might be different species.

In this case, the woman is human, Ronald might be right, but then again, there are concepts of necessary sacrifice and living life as you like. Saving thousands of lives with one sacrifice is also a concept, but that is ancient time, so these concepts are not practiced as men used to practice honor in those times.'

Then Akira suddenly realized. 'Wait, this woman didn't speak up, which means she is unwilling to be sacrificed. If she is willing but Ronald stopped, he would be wrong to some extent. But she is unwilling, then there are rules and regulations, from the system perspective, rules and regulations are to be upheld.

These two tilt the answer towards yes and more importantly, my own opinion. If I were Ronald, no, even if I was someone else, would I sacrifice someone to protect many? No, I decided to not walk the evil path; sacrificing is not an option.'

He clicked yes.

Suddenly, he appeared in an empty white area with 58 players.