I (always) love(d) you

The duo entered the 2nd-floor entrance and emerged in a forest.

"This looks like the same forest," said Haruka.

"A dungeon will mostly have the same region with different parts on different floors. Look bright, there's a monster," said Akira.

After 2 hours,

"We finally collected 10,000 points," said Haruka, "but I didn't feel any major difference after picking the profession except for the stats."

"We will only feel the profession's impact when we use the profession's skills. After all, these skills we are using are randomly picked."

Haruka saw a human figure at the exit. "There is someone…it's that woman, Hasegawa. Sigh! I don't want to meet her."

"She must be waiting for us, let's go, we can't wait until she leaves."

They went near her.

"Took you…huff huff long enough. I am getting bored to death waiting," Mirai said boastfully, but her breath betrayed her.

"Catch your breath before talking," Haruka said with a smirk of a winner feeling.

"Don't sweat the small details," said Mirai, "shall we enter the reward room?"

"Lead the way," said Akira.

They went inside.

"You are quite the time saver," said Hasegawa, trying to make small conversation, but when she entered the reward room, her eyes unintentionally got a glimpse of the rewards.

Her eyes were on the cool claymore. Haruka saw her as Hasegawa stopped the conversation suddenly and got freaked out because Hasegawa was drooling.

"Hey, control your mouth," Haruka spoke, unable to accept the drool falling on the ground.


Hasegawa wiped her mouth and composed herself. "Sorry about that. Go and pick the weapon you want first."

"It's fine, we don't need the claymore," said Akira.

Hasegawa could not believe how he would know that she liked a claymore even though she was carrying a claymore on her back instead of inventory.

She quickly went to it. "Wow! This claymore is so stylish. This baby has the true characteristics of a weapon wielded by a true berserker."

"What is a berserker?" Haruka asked.

"That's an S-rank profession," said Akira, "they can only use a claymore. The more damage they take, the stronger they get. Speed type is their enemy, that's why she took the same time as us. Otherwise, she could have been faster."

Hasegawa took the claymore. "Are you going to another dungeon? Why don't I give you a ride?"

'She genuinely wants to become friends,' Akira thought, 'maybe I shouldn't be so strict.'

"Thanks for your concern, Hasegawa-san," said Akira, "and we do need a ride. My little brother just said how he admires a reliable big sister like you."

Haruka was taken aback. 'What? When did I say that? Wait, I am not your little brother.'

"Then pick your weapons, we will go to the next dungeon," said Mirai.

Haruka went to pick up the sword. "What is this?" She suddenly freaked out.

"What happened?" Mirai came over to look.

"This weapon has an attack restriction. You need 300 attacks," said Haruka, unable to believe it.

"What? How can that be?" Akira was shocked and checked all other weapons.

Haruka felt awkward for Akira's overreaction. 'You already knew this, didn't you?' But she played along.

"Wait, white. Don't put all your stats in attack just for this." Akira said in panic. "What if you explode due to imbalance? After all, defense, speed, stamina, and attack all are connected to the body, if you mess with them, something dangerous might happen."

"Yes, yes. I will listen to you and won't put all my stats in attack mindlessly."

"Why are you siblings so dramatic?" Mirai made fun of them. She understood that advice was for her.

"We are not siblings," Haruka yelled at her unconsciously.

Mirai glanced away by scratching her cheek unable to understand it.

"Don't mind him," said Akira, "he was at the top of the school while I failed every subject. So he doesn't like admitting me as his brother but he cares a lot for me, secretly. He even hides our childhood photos secretly in his room."

"How do you know that?" Haruka panicked. 'Wait, he's just making it up, did I just admit I have his photos in my room?'

Akira changed the topic feeling that Haruka was embarrassed. "Let's go. We have to raid as many as possible today. We won't get a chance tomorrow when big organizations bid."

While going in Mirai's car, Haruka saw the news. With a sad voice, she said, "The death count for this disaster is 4.19 billion. That's more than half of the population."

"Don't be arrogant, white," Akira spoke harshly, which alerted the two females. "How many chickens and cows humans must have slaughtered? Did you count their deaths?

No, because humans are species that can harm them and likewise, these monsters are species that can harm us. For now, as an individual living being with your life in constant danger, you only have one job, protect yourself and only your family."

The feeling of unease struck Akira yet again, and he understood it was related to his future plans.

He felt like he could plan better, but he was in an important time because the tower dungeons that give S rank and above items and skills wouldn't appear after the E rank version. From the D rank version, only the same rank or one rank above items and skills would appear.

"That some great life lessons you are giving to your little brother." Mirai praised.

The trio raided dungeons together for the whole day and night until morning.

Mirai was exhausted to the core by that time, unable to even stand up. She lay on the grass on a slope near a water stream.

"You guys, only look exhausted after that?" Mirai couldn't believe them. "So there's a disparity between boys and girls even in this system."

"What do you mean by boys and girls?" Haruka became mad for calling her a boy.

Akira stopped her and sarcastically said, "He means you are a woman, so calling yourself a girl is too much."

"It makes me feel old, but I don't have the energy to argue."

"Then we will be going," said Akira, standing up and brushing off the dust.

Mirai quickly turned to him. "Wait, are we considered friends now? We went through a lot." She looked away with fear of rejection and then saw him with another idea. "At least in my terms."

Akira looked at Haruka, and she nodded.

"We are friends," said Haruka, "let's raid more dungeons in the future together."

"That's a promise, right?" Mirai asked hopefully.

"Almost," said Akira, and the duo left.

Haruka and Akira freshened up and fell on the bed.

"I am beat. We were more enthusiastic after she joined us," said Haruka.

"We also have good gains," said Akira, "she gave most of her share to us. Now we reached level 20. Let's check out crystals and ascend. Maybe socializing is not a bad thing."

That brought Haruka back into a doubtful self. Akira was very social. He always helped others even in little things. He always took the initiative to do things in group activities.

'Come to think of it,' Haruka thought, 'Aki became very selfish. All he cares about is protecting me, him, and our families. He completely ignored others.

It's embarrassing to admit, but I always observe Akira's every little detail. Since he woke up that day, he is not the Aki I know but he is still my Aki, he is not possessed by someone else.'

Her pondering became even more serious. 'What kind of situation could change him like this? If I consider my 12 years of suffering...why would I suffer for such a long time?

My parents died? No, I would only suffer for a few months. Aki didn't die as it was his futuristic view, so he was alive when I suffered. I should have missed something, something unthinkable...unthinka...ble.'

She looked at Akira unable to consider one situation. 'He...he left me.' That thought crushed her heart, almost giving her a heart attack.

She caught her chest as her breathing became heavy. 'What...what's happening? Why am I feeling like this just for thinking he left me?'

Akira didn't notice her; he was busy screening through his system.

'Do I care for him to death? I feel so broken just with the thought, it's as if I went through the suffering and forgot about it.' She walked into the bathroom before Akira noticed.

She leaned against the wall and tried to calm down. After calming down, she was able to think straight again.

'I can't even have the thought of not being with him.' She looked in the mirror. 'Oh, Aki, did I love you always? I...love you, Aki.' She felt tremendous joy upon her realization, but it was all inside her. She didn't let it waste to the outside. A smile naturally appeared on her lips.

'If the Haruka he talked about is me, then I know why she suffered. Because he left her. Well, at least I got one answer. Now whatever happens, I should stay by his side to not repeat that tragedy.'

She went to the bed. Akira saw her and asked, "Did you ascend?"

"I am sleepy, I will do it later." She said it very gently that she feared her voice could inconvenience him. She gently laid Akira on the bed and covered him with a blanket with the gentlest smile. "Sleep, we can think about anything else later."

Akira was in awe; she never spoke in such a manner, and she spoke as if he was her baby.