Reached home safely

As monsters started to roam the land, the player association was busy migrating survivors to safe places, and only dungeons in cities and towns were restricted by them.

Because of that, many players went to the wild to enter dungeons. So Akira and Haruka saw many players even in mountains and forests as they journeyed.

Although the players were not strong enough to enter the reward room, the crystals, coins, and experience they gained from killing monsters were enough for them.

After players realized they couldn't reach the reward room, they also started entering portal dungeons with parties they formed. Player association and organizations still didn't gain much influence among players.

Akira and Haruka entered a dungeon. As they searched, they found a group of orcs.

"Our first video will be orcs then," said Akira.

"No, dummy. Orcs are big and strong; we can't include them in the free videos. We will only upload 10 free videos of weak monsters like goblins, imps, slimes, etc. We will still take orc videos but we will upload them when we get that time."

"No, we can't include goblins in free videos because they are beginner player nemesis."

"Ok, I will be ready just start when you are ready," said Haruka.

After some preparations, Akira started the camera of the system. The system camera automatically covered the best angle when taking video but it didn't have a feature to send videos privately. A player could only upload it for everyone to see; he couldn't send it to a specific player.

Akira stood in front of the camera while 20 orcs charged at him from behind. But he casually started as if there was nothing behind.

"Hello, everyone, I am Black Bear. Today I will show you how to kill orcs. I will mostly talk in terms of 4 people attacking 5 orcs of equal level. First, I will teach you how to separate 20 orcs that are chasing me. White, get ready."

They both ran towards a tree. "First, find an obstacle and get behind it. When the orcs come close, go in opposite ways."

They both went in opposite ways. The orcs tried to divide, but they collided with each other as they couldn't divide as a group.

"Low-level monsters don't have organized teams, so they will get confused like this. Only the outer orcs will follow you while others argue with each other. See, now 3 orcs are following me and 4 are following white. When you are four people, you can thin this number further."

Akira jumped while he was running between 2 trees, but the orcs fell down as they got tripped on a wire Akira tied beforehand.

"This is a trap I set before." Akira jumped onto an orc's back and pointed at the backside of its neck slightly towards the left. "Here, there is a muscle connection, if you stab here; your weapon will cut off the connection between the spine and brain."

He did it to another orc quickly. "As you will be 2, I hurt 2 orcs. This is enough time for other orcs to get up. You run and do the same again."

He simply cut off the other orc's neck. "Cutting the windpipe is also an option but not anyone can do it. So don't try it. I will show you the next weak point."

He went and lured other orcs and showed more. Like that, he hunted more than 100 orcs to show all weak points clearly like spoon-feeding.

"This video took more than an hour but I think it's fine," said Haruka, "we are trying to give information, not entertainment after all."

Like that, they took videos of all the monsters they encountered while going to their home.

While they rested in a hotel, Haruka couldn't sleep one night. 'This is troublesome, now I became conscious about sleeping with Aki.

I don't know how to feel about our situation, so I can only tell myself that I can't waste my time thinking about it in this dark period. All my loved ones are safe, so I shouldn't be selfish.

But I also can't resist wanting to get closer to him. I just want to yell at him, forget that girl and be with me, she is not good for you. But I can't break them like that. She is already his wife in his mind.

If I manipulate him, I won't be able to enjoy life due to guilt and also fear of having an affair with her. I can tell myself that he wouldn't do it but he already has the memories of being with her, so it is actually he cheated on her with me.

Get a grip, Haruka; he is your childhood friend, nothing else. You only have one task, find that girl and change her to Aki's liking.

Yeah, she better not break our friendship either. I have to show her that if she wants to be with Aki, she must accept our friendship and she is not going to take him to the organization, she will be joining us as a trio. I will make this happen.'

They reached Shizuoka in 5 days. "We still need one weak monster for the starting videos," said Haruka while walking towards their house.

"No need, just upload the orc video. That is our first video, so I want to give it for free," said Akira.

"If you say so."

Haruka uploaded 10 videos under the [Black and White] name. Because of the error message, they both were able to share videos. Haruka didn't know it was impossible for other players.

"Why are there association people in our area?" Akira wondered as he got closer to his street.

"Ho! We forgot to call our parents after we changed to association mobiles," Haruka just remembered.

While they tried to enter, 2 player association guards stopped them.

"Stop, this is a restricted area."

Akira innocently said, "No, that is a safe zone. There is nothing dangerous there."

The two guards got confused. "This place is taken over by the player association. You are not allowed inside."

Akira showed his mobile. "Ho! We are also registered under the association."

The two men looked at each other in confusion again.

Haruka slapped her face with embarrassment and said, "Aki, you do not understand the situation. The association took over the place, not purchased. They forced the people out of their homes.

They are working under a corrupted officer from the player association." She pulled his cheek. "You are still a little kid, aren't you?"

"Twen I wyll caul Mr. Yamamura's office," Akira called while pulling his face away. A person lifted.

"Hello, I am Tanji Daikichi speaking. Hello, 4th level VIP-san, do you need our help," a man asked politely.

"Hello, I have an opportunity for the player association to make more players register under you. In Shizuoka near. . . Player association men are forcefully taking over people's houses because it was in a safe zone.

Please inform Mr. Yamamura immediately to take action with the permission of the head association leader. If you root out corruption in the player association, naturally everyone wants to join you.

If you don't take action within 1 hour, you will see 2 high-level players changing into 2 high-level criminals within seconds."

"Please don't joke, sir. We will of course take action. We are public servants after all. Thank you for informing me about corruption; you will be rewarded after the case is resolved. I will have to hang up to follow the case, sir. Goodbye."

As soon as he hung up the call, he panicked and rushed into Yamamura's office room and burst open the door.

"Branch association leader. Emergency."

"Calm down, Mr. Tanji. Now tell me what it is."

Tanji explained.

"I see." He checked their details on his computer. "So, he is the one requested to register under me. Now he has 4th-level VIP status. Prepare the flight and call all the standby guards. We are leaving for Shizuoka."

An hour later,

Many cars and trucks came over to a crowded place.

The crowd backed up for the vehicles to pass.

Yamamura got down from a car, and association soldiers started to come out from the trucks and took control of the site, but the site was unsightly. Many player association officers were trashed all over the area.

The soldiers were confused and didn't know what to do, they came prepared to capture the corrupted officer thinking that he might retaliate.

Tanji went and asked a person. "What happened here?"

"I don't know. Civilians are not allowed here. By the time someone noticed and called every one, these people were lying there."

"Why didn't you help them to the hospital?" Tanji insisted on an answer.

The person became disgusted. "Why should I? They forcefully took over my house and now my family is on the footpath. They deserve what they got. Even if someone wants to help, what if the people who beat them come after us?

You want us to risk our lives for people who stole our houses?" The person flared at the player association.

Yamamura heard that and took a deep breath.

"Branch association leader, what should we do?" Tanji asked, meanwhile, the soldiers took the injured to the hospital.

Tanji's panic was understandable, their association's people getting beaten up would tarnish their reputation, and if they couldn't find the culprit, players would lose trust in the association.