The 5 tough E rank monsters

In an office meeting room, a man in his 40s was sitting in the chairman's seat while three men with different attitudes sat in 3 of the 15 seats at the sides.

The door opened and Shinichi came in. "Excuse me, everyone," he said with a smile and approached a seat. The three became alert when Shinichi was about to sit in a chair. "Hey, who allowed you to sit there?" one man asked in a rough tone.

"I did," the man in the chairman's seat replied. The other man silently sat down, lowering his head.

"Yes, boss."

"Shinichi will take over the position of black mamba. Black mamba, find out who killed the previous black mamba and get him under you, if not, kill him," said the boss, then he got up and walked away.

After the door was closed, a surgical knife appeared at Shinichi's throat, held by the man who asked him before. "Boy, wet behind the ears, you must have killed the black mamba, didn't you."

"How can I kill myself, Banded krait san," said Shinichi, maintaining the same smile.

*Tsk* The man retreated his knife into his sleeve and walked away dissatisfied.

Three weeks since the game descended,

Akira devised a pooling system for all the monsters known until then. According to different monsters, he set different prices. Once the accumulated price hit the mark, he would release that monster's video; otherwise, he would release whatever he wanted, but he didn't upload more than five videos in a day.

He set the price for a video from 100 to 500 coins, which still got him no fewer than a million views for each video, but Goblins and Imps got more than 10 million views. "Although goblins and imps are weak monsters," said Haruka, "you set their video price at 500 coins, yet we still got 10 million views. I wondered why you didn't release them for free, so you were aiming for this."

"Those are the highest spotted monsters in dungeons, so I knew people would pay to know all their weaknesses."

"We earned 18 billion coins in one week. Is it this easy to earn coins?" Haruka asked.

"Don't be excited; everyone who needs to watch already watched them, so there won't be any profits from the released videos. People will start to copy our plan. They will copy our videos and post their own videos at lower prices.

So we will only get coins from players who think we are faster. The other way is for people to watch our videos to see how tough a monster is, so our view count will gradually decrease. We will use these coins from the videos to start the organization."

'We got a lot of crystals and coins from Black Mamba,' thought Akira, 'he is a major figure in his organization after all; he must be holding their treasury in this area, now it's all ours to use.'

Akira checked the internet and saw news about new monsters appearing in newly spawned dungeons. They saw a video of a player explaining a white fur monster. The player was in a panic even when he was outside of the dungeon. He was traumatized.

"That monster is evil. Don't get into this dungeon. It killed four of my friends who were level 55, but it was only level 50. It was 4.5 meters long and it had white fur all over the body. It is called a mimic. It looked like a sloth with its body covered in white fur.

We couldn't even give it a scratch, and before we unleashed our skills, it killed them. I was the only survivor. You can't even sense that monster; it appears out of nowhere. It had this creepy smile-like face. It always shows its teeth and attacks with its tongue.

Unlike many dungeons, this dungeon was inside a city, and this monster is very fast and sly. I…I won't enter dungeons again. I am sorry for our fans; I will terminate this channel."

Haruka wondered. "Even though it is dangerous, is it really that bad?"

"No, the mimic's tongue fluid has a mental damage effect if you touch it. He must have swallowed it. Only players with higher intelligence stats than the monster can evade the mental damage from its saliva."

"Players are donating a lot in our other videos to know this monster's weakness, along with four others. Is it a coincidence, or are these five monsters related to the five SSS rank professions?"

"They are the monster materials for each profession. Let's pool each monster for 10 billion coins."

"Ten…that's too much even for me," said Haruka, referring to her greed.

"This is a rare opportunity. Many players are in fear just from their description. Once players post their videos, they will understand 10 billion coins is a reasonable amount."

After Akira posted the pool, his channel got a lot of hate because the highest pool until then was 500 million for a monster. Everyone blamed him for taking advantage of players' fear.

One day later, "That mimic monster dungeon is in Nagasaki, do we go there?" Haruka asked.

"Let's wait until the pool reaches 7 billion; it would be a wasted effort to go that far."

"It didn't even reach 500 million. Are you sure about it? It's been 24 hours since we posted the pool."

"They probably think some other players will find it and wait," said Akira, "let everyone try first. If they find, isn't it good that we have strong players?"

"Are you worried about something? You are responding differently than usual," Haruka asked.

"I am worried about our parents. They didn't come out since the game descended."

"Then let's take a break and bring them out."

"No, let things settle a bit. Organizations still didn't establish their own safe zones for their people. It will take at least 3 months for that."

'Will you at least make it uncertain? I already figured that it is not just a nightmare,' thought Haruka and said, "then let's show them how to do it. You know how the future works, so implement them quickly so that everyone will learn from us."

Akira looked at her but she couldn't see his expression as he was wearing a mask. "That is not the future; they are just visions of nightmares and we already changed it by doing it differently.

But your idea is good. Organizations are trying to find the right order, if we show the best order, humanity will develop quickly."

Two days passed, and players started to notice the horrors of the new monsters. Not just because of their cruelty but because they were very hard to kill even if players were of higher level. They even started to appear out of dungeons.

Akira and Haruka were in a red-colored sand desert. The sky was also reddish with a reddish sun.

"This place is more unsettling than the previous one," said Haruka while holding Akira's sleeve with a pinch behind him. "Do all the five strong monsters live in creepy places?"

"No, the mimic lives in buildings like us."

"Yeah, but that perverted monster itself makes the place creepy."

"Don't worry," said Akira, "this monster is just a red-colored scaled snake that can't be killed normally."

"That doesn't put me at ease, thank you very much!" Haruka remarked sarcastically.

Akira sensed something coming and started system recording. He left Haruka and dashed forward while saying, "Hello everyone. Today we will show the weak points of one of the five tough monsters that showed up in dungeons. This monster is called…"

Suddenly, a one-meter-wide red-colored snake popped out of the sand. "Red draconic snake." The snake tried to bash Akira, but he jumped and did a cool flip. He landed on the snake's back.

"Lucky it doesn't have poison," said Akira, "or not? You wouldn't be watching this video if you were lucky enough to find its only weak spot. And by the way, it doesn't have poison."

The snake went back into the sand, and Akira landed on the sand giving cool postures.

'He improved as a streamer in just a few days,' thought Haruka, 'in fact, he's enjoying it.' It made her happy.

"You heard it right," said Akira, "it only…" The snake came from under him trying to bite, but he stopped it from biting him with his legs while continuing his speech. "…has one weak point."

It tried to smash him to the sand while its mouth was struck open by his legs, but he jumped to the ground and caught its mouth open with his hands. It pushed him a few meters before he got a grip and stopped it with his brute strength.

He slowly bent down while holding it and stepped into its mouth with his left leg then grabbed its upper mouth with both hands and stretched his body wide, but the snake's mouth stretched.

"White, stop dazing and help me rip it."

Haruka jumped and caught the lower mouth part while Akira pulled the upper mouth part and stretched his body. They ripped the snake into two pieces. The snake died.

"Is this the weak point you talked about?" Haruka asked in confusion.

Akira paused. It became awkward for him. "Actually, there are two methods to kill this monster. One is as I showed just now. Let's find another snake to show the weak spot."

"You!" Haruka acted angrily. "Stop showing off. Even though the video length will be short, I am sure players will appreciate it. Even if they won't, we would only release this video after we earn 10 billion coins for this."

They went and found another snake. While playing with the newly found red draconic snake, Akira said, "One of the scales in the 9th row from the top of its head is soft. If you pierce it, you will puncture the blood vessel which connects to the heart. It will bleed to death just by piercing it.

As long as you reach here, even if you are 10 levels lower than this monster, you can kill it by piercing this scale. But be aware, it is aware of this spot as its weakness and it is very fast.

Except for this method, you can't kill this snake even if you are 20 levels above this. This is only applicable to players who don't have practical skills.

If you are skillful, you can rip it apart like I did before if you are 10 levels above the monster."

He showed a few ways to kill the monster, how to escape it, and what are valuables on the monster.

"I mostly advise you to avoid these 5 monsters because they only have one or two weak points and they are brutal. Only pro players who are daring should go against these monsters.

I checked the profession that requires these monster materials and there is only one profession, that too is SSS rank just like the other 4 tough monsters. I am guessing that the 5 monsters' materials are only useful to the only 5 SSS rank professions.

As I always say, don't risk your life and read the contract given by organizations clearly before signing.

Soon, we are going to establish an organization. The rules will be sent officially later but it will be player-friendly, so at least wait until then before joining another organization." He stopped recording.

"We still have 2 out of 5 strong monsters to go."