Shinichi provocation

On the day of Akira's prediction of the D-rank version descent, Akira, Haruka, and Kana got ready to take full advantage of the D-rank version.

They went to a remote place for easy access to dungeons near Shizuoka. All three of them wore masks with full-body cover disguises so that no one would recognize them by their body shapes. Kana used her transformation skill to look like a boy.

If there were monsters near the portal when dungeons opened, they might come out of them. That was how a huge portion of the land on Earth got covered by monsters.

As the clock neared 11 AM, Kana was still confused about how Akira knew about the D-rank dungeons. When the clock struck 11 AM, there was no movement near them.

Akira already knew they wouldn't pop up in front of him, so he was waiting on the mountain and looked into the distance, but no three-floor towers popped up anywhere.

"Black, what happened?" Haruka asked, but Akira was as eager to know as her.

He was in dilemma; he checked the date, and it was exactly 5 weeks since the system descended. The F-rank version lasted for 1 week, the next E-rank version was supposed to last for 4 weeks, then the D-rank version should descend, but it was not happening near them.

They waited for a few minutes to check the internet, but there was no news about three-floor or indigo-colored portal dungeons.

"Black," Haruka called again.

"Let...let me think for a second," said Akira in panic. Haruka had never heard him in panic before. She noticed his hands were shaking.

'He was confident until now because he knew what would happen, but he is panicking because something unexpected happened.'

"Kana, can you leave us for a second? Sorry for this," Haruka asked.

Kana got confused as to why she would apologize for that. She nervously said, "No, it's fine, Haruka," and went away.

Haruka held his shoulder to calm him down. "What happened?"

"The D-rank dungeons were supposed to come today." Akira started to fear something, and it was increasing in his voice.

'Calm down, Aki. How can you, of all people, panic like this?' Haruka thought, trying to find ways to comfort him.

"Well, it's not happening as the nightmare," she said, "isn't it a good thing? It means our lives won't be a nightmare anymore."

"I could change it if I knew, but if I don't know...then..." Akira couldn't find the words or lines to describe what he wanted to say at that moment. He couldn't mention changing the future because it would lead to a big controversy.

"You don't know your future," Haruka stated, "isn't it fortunate? No one knows what the future is. Knowing the future is such a scary thing, you know. If I knew what the future is, I would lose the will to live anymore."

Akira suddenly paused all of his fear and panic and looked at her dumbfoundedly. 'It seems she misunderstood something. I am worried that the operators might have found out about my arrival back in time. But when did she start speaking such profound lines? Is she always that insightful?'

"You are right," said Akira, calming himself and trying to say something profound too, "it seems I lost myself in the process of life. Maybe I should stop for a second and look around me."

'I have to make this power my own quickly,' Akira thought. 'If the D-rank version is not coming, then let's take a break and read some books. I have to find a way.'

"White, you and Kana go to Antarctica and raid dungeons there; I need to do some research."

"Wait, shouldn't we meet an IT company to create internet services for the organization? Our plan got canceled, so let's go and find some company to collaborate with," Haruka suggested.

"Yes, that is better; it will take time to create internet services," said Akira, looking around for Kana. "Where is Kana?"

Haruka looked to where she had sent her, but Kana was not there. "I sent her the...where is she?"

"What? You missed her?" Akira panicked and became very serious. "How can you neglect her like that?"

"I...I am sorry, I thought she would stay there." Haruka became very scared. If something were to happen to Kana, Akira would not forgive her, and mostly, she wouldn't forgive herself.

"We need to search for her." Akira rushed in the direction of her vanish.

'Damn, please don't let it be the Heavenly Snake Organization,' Akira thought while searching. 'If we make a list of contributions for Japan's downfall, me and her combined will make 50%, and we both were part of the organization.'

As he searched, he reached a mountaintop and suddenly stopped with a serious glare under the mask.

Haruka also followed him and saw the little black snake, the gay, currently black Mamba, and behind him was Kana, unconscious on the ground.

"Give her back," Akira asked seriously.

Haruka didn't like Akira being so angry, not because of jealousy but because anger was a type of pain that she hated to see Akira in.

Shinichi stepped forward while putting on black gloves and provoked Akira with a hand gesture to attack him.

Akira knew words wouldn't work with Shinichi; he always liked to challenge himself with good opponents. Of course, he used as many dirty tricks as possible to defeat them.

Only one person in the previous life was able to defeat Shinichi, and that was Akira. After Akira defeated him, Shinichi started to only pursue Akira by leaving all his lovers.

That was how Akira was able to know his backup dairy system location. Nothing happened between them, by the way.

Akira instantly got provoked. Even last time, to get a fight, Shinichi used the same trick by poisoning Haruka after she fought a boss monster to save a city.

Even Akira didn't know one thing, which was Shinichi wanted to kill Haruka many times in his previous life, but the original Black Mamba knew if something were to happen to Haruka, half of the organization would be wiped out overnight even if he still had Akira's weakness.

The other half would be wiped out the next day morning. Only their leader might have a chance to tackle Akira, even that was only a chance.

Black Mamba was only able to control Akira because everyone Akira loved was alive until the end. When Original Black Mamba gave the order to kill Haruka, Akira understood his real order was to get himself killed.

Even Akira didn't understand why he got himself killed at the end in Haruka's hands. Maybe he just wanted to end his suffering or maybe he subconsciously thought Black Mamba would spare his weakness after he got himself killed.

With Shinichi in front of him, Akira dashed forward immediately, a dagger appearing in his right hand. He attacked Shinichi straightforwardly, but Shinichi blocked it with his left fist, which had defensive material on the back of his fist.

While he blocked it, his right fist was already in motion. The right fist had needles attached to the glove at the knuckles, which would pierce upon impact. Most of the needles' length would be in the glove, with only a few millimeters exposed, but that would be enough for the deadly poison to take effect.

Akira already knew this and was aware that even a scratch could be lethal. The whole organization had snake-related names for a reason.

Akira stopped Shinichi's attack with his palm along with a pack of cards.

Shinichi was somewhat surprised because only if he had anticipated the punch could Akira have blocked it with such a small item. Otherwise, he would have tried to dodge it instinctively.

They exchanged blows, with Shinichi constantly blocking Akira's dagger with his left fist while Akira blocked Shinichi's needle fist with the pack of cards in his hand.

Shinichi understood that this skill was unique to Akira. There was no way that a small object like a pack of cards could be used to block attacks unless the user possessed extraordinary talent. Akira seemed to be reading his every move.

Shinichi realized that he wouldn't be able to defeat Akira through normal means. He decided to use all his trump cards right there, possibly even taking out White Rabbit.

Amid their combat, Shinichi lifted his right index finger. From it, a red laser emerged. Akira anticipated this move and dodged, but he heard a glass-breaking sound from behind.

Akira's eyes widened under his mask upon hearing the sound, and he quickly stabbed Shinichi's shoulder. Shinichi suddenly felt his body weight increase fivefold, collapsing to the ground on his knees.

The sheer look on Shinichi's face was devastating. He didn't know what had just happened, but it had already occurred.

Akira rushed to Haruka and caught her arms, asking in panic, "Where did you get hurt?"

"I...I am fine," she replied, "I stopped the laser with a barrier, but it just broke."

'How could her barrier break? And she was in the line of fire?' That enraged Akira because Shinichi had done it on purpose.