Aki, I love you

*Ring ring*

The phone rang beside the bed where Kana sleeping soundly. She woke up to the ring while still half asleep and lazily took the phone.


"Kana, come to Ruka's room."

"What? At this hour?" Kana lazily said that.

"What?" Akira's tone became serious. At once, she hopped off the bed.

"I am already halfway down the corridor, Hoshi-sama."

'Kana, you idiot, your laziness will become the death of you someday.' She thought as she made her way to the room. She opened the door to come in and gasped as she laid her eyes on Akira.

"Stay calm, it's me, Akira," said Akira with a sad but got-over-it tone.

"Hoshi-sama, what happened to you?"

"It's complicated, but don't tell anyone about me," said Akira, "Haruka got a fever, take care of her. I can't stay as our parents might come here. I don't want them to see me like this."

"When will you become normal?"