The Cyclops fight

*Thud thud thud*

The Cyclops reached Akira and Rinko in just 5 seconds of sprint and kicked them full of enjoyment but it hit the safe zone, which was cracked due to its crazy strength.

Just a second before it kicked, Akira was able to upgrade the safe zone to D rank.

*Aaahhh* Rinko ran out of the safe zone by screaming loudly. As soon as Cyclops understood it couldn't break the safe zone, it touched the safe zone and started to run along it.

Akira widened his eyes in shock; the Cyclops was able to recognize the other side was not protected by the safe zone. Maybe it thought it was a shield that blocked Akira. So it went to search the end of the shield to chase after Rinko.

Akira was also very confused about many things at that moment; for starters, a dungeon never came in a safe zone. Next, D rank version appeared out of nowhere without any pattern.
