We are getting better

Dragged by Akira again, Kana and Haruka teleported to a boss location in the mountain area, where they met with Rinko.

Rinko was highly enthusiastic when she saw White Rabbit. She quickly held Haruka's hands and shook them vigorously unable to contain herself. "White Rabbit Sama, nice to meet you. I am Rinko, I am a big fan of yours. Can...can I take a photo with you?"

Haruka felt awkward; she knew she shouldn't encourage Rinko any further, but the thought of having her own fan melted her. She was very happy and automatically agreed to it.

"Here, let me help you." Kana, who was posing as a 26-year-old woman without any mask, offered to take the picture.

"Thank you very much." Rinko gave her mobile. "Ho! Where are my manners? My name is Osaki Rinko, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, call me Ash," said Kana. Rinko got closer to Haruka for the picture and gave a nice pose.