A small task became outright wipeout

Two weeks before the opening date, on a night heavy with purpose, Akira woke with a grave expression, feeling the weight of what needed to be done. He rose and made his way to the roof, but as he prepared to depart, he sensed Haruka's presence approaching.

"Going somewhere... in the middle of the night?" she asked, arms folded, demanding answers.

"Ruka, I am..." Akira began, but she cut him off.

"I am not weak anymore," she declared, surprising him with her admission of vulnerability. She had always boasted of her strength until then, but now she showed her seriousness.

"I know you can't control your protectiveness, but that is your problem," she continued. "I also have a problem; I can't leave you alone. You've changed a lot, Aki. I don't know what you will become without me. This sounds like I am some kind of restriction for you, but if that's what it takes, then I will be your restriction."

"I just came for fresh air," Akira replied.