The Sand Dunes

Leoric pulled over, bringing the V1 to a sudden stop. He could feel a throbbing pain in his head, and his throat was parched. It was clear that he needed to take a break from driving and quench his thirst with a refreshing sip of water.

Angel gazed at Gavin Reeves, her eyes conveying her intentions. Understanding her unspoken request, Gavin picked up his towel and doused it in water. He handed the damp cloth to Angel and repeated the process for his towel. They both wrapped the towels around their heads, providing some relief from the scorching desert sun.

Mario Diaz stopped his vehicle beside the V1. The last vehicle contained their precious water supply. They had wisely anticipated the desert's extreme heat and taken precautions to insulate it, ensuring that it remained cool despite the external heat.

Gavin cautiously made his way up the makeshift ladder that had been haphazardly propped up against the side of the vehicle.