James’ Family

James and Sophie strolled through the park, engaged in casual conversation.

Sophie: "Today was incredibly hectic at the office." She sighed, shoulders slumping slightly.

"I'm glad you messaged and suggested we meet up."

James tilted his head, studying Sophie's face, "I thought you might not be in a good mood, so I wanted to check on you."

Her eyes softened, and she nodded appreciatively. "That's sweet."

James: "Don't worry, we'll find a way to search for Gabriel."

He said it by gently tapping her shoulder.

She smiled, even though it seemed hollow, said more than words ever could. It was the kind of smile that hid broken hope.

After a heavy pause, Sophie's voice trembled as she spoke again, "I should never have tried to search for him. I think I should accept the painful truth—that he never loved me, and I'm not going to meet him again."