A Council Of Cowards

Her eyes were dazzling at the sight of luxury for she'd never been in a castle, being a demi-human of dubious ancestry beyond her father, Moxy felt terribly out of place while walking behind Raven as they continued down the meeting hall of the Aranuvian council. Keeping close to her man with Reina and Regalia covering her from behind, she kept her hands crossed by her pounding heart as every small sound and movement turned her skittish.

Sensing her hesitance and fear, Raven glanced back at her with a light smile. Conjuring a hand that stretched from behind him, he moved it by her arm and gave it a light squeeze.

"We're gonna be fine, don't worry," feeling his warmth spreading into her body, Moxy finally felt somewhat at peace. Smiling back as she took a deep breath, the fox girl nodded and heaved a sigh.