Horrors Beyond Comprehension

The third layer of hell a living, breathing creature. An incubator of flesh with walls as alive as the imps nesting in its skin. Like the colony of an ant, the devils lived in the burning flesh of a monster that acted as an isolator between the other layers of the hells. It's blood, the magma in which the sinners were torched, and its bones, the pikes on which their bodies were racked, to later be lashed.

Even more terrifyingly so, colossal creatures sat by its fleshy walls, each a horrendous creature of the most vile imagination. Some bore teeth sticking out of every inch of their skin, some a collection of hands with maggots crawling out of the fingertips. Then there were the humanoids, the giants and the colossals, their bodies varied, and some had numerous deformities while the others were simply far too elusive of a concept for the mortal mind to grasp.