
Guan P.O.V

As soon as I woke up, I had freshen up and got a steaming cup of coffee ready.

I will be heading to my office today, and that's where my meeting with my lawyer would take place.

And after that I'll call the boys and Claire for a meeting, although the chances of Claire showing up would be very thin, she's always invited anyways.

I was going through the early morning magazine, on my MacBook.

As I sipped my coffee.

When I was done with my coffee. My guards got the car I'll be taking to the office ready within minutes.

And we headed straight for my organization.


Jane greeted me with a warm smile when I got to my office.

"Place a call with my lawyer as soon as possible" I said as I entered my office.

And she hurried away to get the task done

I placed my briefcase on my table, and headed for my personal safe.

In there, I hid all the adoption papers of the boys.

All business deals with the Chaplins, my will and lastly some other confidential documents.

I slowly pushed the rest of the documents out of the way and brought out the papers.

I then pushed the drawer back into it's hole..

I was heading to my seat when I heard the knocking sound on the door.

"Come on in Jane" I said, and she walked in, but her facial expression was giving off something else.

"Your lawyer is currently out of town sir."

She said.

"That's definitely bad news, any special reasons? I asked her as I place the file on my desk.

"His wife's sick"

"Oh okay, arrange a meeting with the Guans by 10:30am." I said, "the will can wait" I muttered.

"Right away sir" and she left, closing the door quietly.

I sighed, putting the will inside a side drawer.

I'll have to put that back in the safe later , for now I want to check the some other things on my system.

Luca's P.O.V

My morning routine wasn't all stressful and complex. Had a bath as soon some minutes after I worked up, had coffee, read the morning papers, and after making a mental organisation of my activities today I headed out. Firstly I'll be going to see my Mom. I really need to apologize to her. Then I'll head to the office and get some work done. Also find a way to communicate with the Chaplins.

I walked out of my personal apartment. Few guards were standing around the house, but they won't be following me around today. Beacuse I gave them a free pass.

The car i was to use was all set, by the time I came out, so I just walked few steps and in two minutes, the engines of my car made the familar noises as the car came to life.

I was driving at a normal rate as I was in no hurry whatsoever, I'd choose to see my Mom later or some other time, but I got the news that she was back to the mansion so why waste anymore time.

My phone started to make the normal vibrational noises when someone calls. And it was my assistant Noah.

My phone was already connected to my earpods so I just picked up.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning... " I said in a tone that says what's with the disturbance this morning.

"Jane just sent a message across that Mr Guan wants to have a meeting with you and the rest by 10:30am."

"Oh okay, any idea what it's about?" I asked , rubbing my chin, frown lines etching on my forehead.

"No sir, I don't have the slightest idea...".

Okay, thank you I said cutting him short.

"You're welcome sir" he said ending the call from his side.

I was some meters away from the mansion now.


I walked elegantly towards the front door of the house, occasionally nodding in response towards the staffs as they greeted me.

On getting into the house, I asked for the head of staff, and he informed me that my mom was at her personal dining room.

Now knowing where I should be going to. I headed upstairs.

The dining room is bathed in soft morning light, adorned with tasteful Italian décor – perhaps a rustic wooden table with wrought iron accents, set against a backdrop of cream-colored walls adorned with framed Italian landscapes. A vase of freshly picked flowers graces the center of the table, infusing the room with their delicate fragrance.

My mom sitting at the other end of the table, her demeanor serene as she sips on a freshly brewed espresso. A plate of warm croissants and pastries, accompanied by a selection of fresh fruits and cheeses, awaits her indulgence. She seemed to be in company of her own thoughts because she didn't notice me when I came in.

"Good morning mom" I said loudly announcing my presence.

She raised her head, quietly without saying any thing for a while.

"And what brings you here, this early?" She asked ignoring my greetings, obviously a sign that she's upset with me.

"Mom, am really sorry" I said walking towards her.

"Stop" she said signalling with her hands. "I don't want you any closer."she said coldly

I didn't have anything to say or do but to obey.

"So you have always known Lin's whereabouts"

Obviously she wasn't sounding like she was asking a question but rather making a statement.

"I'm really sorry mom what I did was very foolish and no reasons can justify my actions." I said in an apologetic tone

"If I were you I did keep quiet about it and make it a secret, because how the f*** would you let us know about it when it's already late, it doesn't make sense."

Honestly Luca I am really disappointed and upset with you right now but let's focus on finding Lin."

That is it, I would be forgiven, but that's only when we find Lin.

"Are you aware your dad summoned you and your brothers for a meeting."

She asked as she take a sip of her beverage.

"Yes I'm aware and I will be heading to the office as soon as possible" I answered.

"You should start going" she said, in a dismissing tone.

And with a slight nod, I started walking back.

"Luca.." she called making me turn back.

"I want you to know that everything is between you, I and your dad" she assured

"Your brother's don't know a thing" she added and somehow that brought relief to me.

"Thank you"

I said and walked out.