The Black House.

Luca's P.O.V

Since my dad, had no business with what happened to Noah. I had to go the the headquarters myself, and figure things out.

Guilty or not, I have to protect his dignity.

I came out the mansion, like I never truly belonged here. I didn't want to ask my brothers for help because there all got serious task to take care of.

Lin is still missing.

After, the day Miguel spoke to me, i haven't been able to reach him ever since.

Probably, his master found out that he had been telling on them.

And he is facing some punishment of some kind.

I could feel goosebumps on my skin, despite claded in suit, and underneath the sun.

I turned on my vehicle and soon was speeding to their headquarters. If I can't figure out who is behind Noah's arrest, the rich man way. I'll do so the poor man's way.

The distance from the Guan's mansion to the Head quarters is so long, as it was situated inside the city.

The Guan's mansion is in the country side. It would take me about four hours to get to the Hq.

And my only fear was that, the shouldn't he moved to another state or city before I get to him.

I found myself praying silently for his well being. God please keep him safe.

I worry greatly for his well being.


After a long drive, anxiety and stressed filled. I was at the gate of the building. I got a pass, and soon my car was parked in the car park.

I walked into the huge building, and at the reception I was told to sign an entry form. And to state the reason for my visit.

And that had me in a corner.

My reason for coming was to find out why my assistant was arrested, and how to get him out.

"You have to fill the form sir" she said politely noting my silence.

"Yeah, right I'll do that.".

I took out my phone, I think I have an acquitance who works here. He might probably just make things easier for me.

But unfortunately,the call didn't go through.

Sighing " Well, I'm here for a someone who got arrested." I said calmly.

"Okay, then you can fill it here" she said pointing at the the space provided in the file.

" What's your relationship with the person, and the person's name" she asked, pulling out another sheet.

"Noah Marco, my personal assistant" I said..

"Was he arrested today?" She asked, clearly confused. Like she hadn't heard, the name today.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard such name today?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I haven't, but I'll check the files. Seems they brought him here when I was off duty."

She said with a warm smile, and that calmed me for a bit.

"Ah ah, here it is..Noah Marco" She said pulling out the file..

"Now fill out this again" she said, giving me another paper.

It was almost similar to the first one, but had more personal questions.

"How do I know, why my assistant was arrested?"

"How about, RFI." She said standing up from her seat.

" Done." I said dropping the pen.

One would need a lot of patience while this process is ungoing.

She packed the files back, and the questionnaires, into Noah's file.

And returned, it back to the drawer.

"This way, Sir " she said leading me through the corridor, then lots of stairs.

Until we got to a huge courtyard.

By the entrance of the courtyard, I sighted an elderly man, engrossed with whatever he had on his table.

"Well, Mr Martins would help you out with the rest."

She said, smiling at Mr Martins, who looked up and causally smiled back at her.

"Good day, sir." I greeted the elderly man, claded in his uniform.

While the receptionist headed back to the reception.

"Mr Martins, the Administrative Assistant of this unit, how many I be of help?"

He asked, elegantly. Standing up.

"I'm here, concerning the arrest of Mr Noah Marco." I said as I took a seat opposite his.

He started to go through some files, stacked on his desk.

"Noah Marco...hmmm okay" he said, pulling out one of the file.

I could tell it was Noah's file, because his passport was already stapled to the edge of the file.

"And, what's your relation with, this person?".

"I'm his boss." I said looking unbothered by the fact that he was staring awkwardly and also with the hint of surprise.

"His boss, as in the Guan's Empire?" He asked amused.

I don't think I should be surprised at the fact that he knew the name of the organization, the information would definitely be in his file.

"Yes sir, I'm Luca Guan. I'm here to know the basis on which my assistant was arrested"

I said, confidently.

" Well, sir I'm in no position to give you all that details... but I could take you to the holding cell. Where Mr Noah would likely be in at the moment."

He said standing up. But you would have to filled this form first.

He said, bringing out another questionaire.

"Okay, sure" I said with a sigh.

This is definitely going to be a long, tiring process.

After filling the form, and returning it back to him, he placed it inside Noah's file.

"Follow me Sir." He said, leaving his seat and ushering me into the courtyard.

Case's P.O.V

"Dad c'mon, she hasn't committed any hideous crime to be placed in the black house" I pleaded, barging into his home office.

"What got into you" he asked.

I just ignored him, and sat on one of the couch.

I found out, my dad had her kept in the black house.

The black House- Is a dark cell, underneath my dad's fortress, the very house we are in at the moment.

A subterranean chamber for the most heinous and unforgivable criminals.

The cell, is small with a low ceiling that seemed to press down on the prisoners making them feel claustrophobic.

The prisoners there were left to rot in this dank, dark place forgotten by the world above.

"What's gotten into Case?" My dad asked, for like the second time since I came into the office.

"When did you start to show mercy?" He asked again in a taunting tone.

I sighed.

"Dad, she could die in there...and that's not part of the plan." I said trying to make him understand, and also trying my best not to loose it.

Yes he is been ruthless at the moment because he feels the Guan's aren't taking him serious, but still not a valid reason to keep her in such a place.

"Shut up are in no position to tell me what would happen to her if she stays there....."

"Yes, I am dad... " I said cutting him short, I could feel my hands trembling. I was starting to get really angry.

"I have stayed in the black house well enough to know it's effect on humans, more less than on a girl like that." I shouted.

I stood up and walked towards him.

Slightly bending down, staring at him in the eye.

"It's really dumb of you to think the Guan's would still give you the license, when they find out their only child is dead....."

I wanted to say more, but I think I've said enough.

So I turned to leave.

"And don't tell me you're going down there" My father's voice boomed, making me stop right by the door.

" I guess you know me too well" I said and walked out.

Slamming the door real hard behind me.

I was f****ing angry.....