Case Search Team.

Case's P.O.V.

The beeping sound of my telephone, jerked me back to the present...

Groaning, I reached for it... Really hope it's not my dad again.

"Yes hello." I said into the phone.

"Good day sir." The voice greeted.

That sounded like Derrick. One of my right armed men.

"Sir, a call came in for you...It was Zack." He said, and a chill silence ensured.

"Zack...What does he want?" I asked again.

"He refused to say Sir... Something private I guess." He replied.

"Send in the phone." I ordered, ending the call abruptly.

Few minutes later.

One of my boys walked in and brought a phone wrapped in a white napkin, placed on a flat surface.

After receiving the phone, I ordered him out.

Sighing, I went through the call log.

And there was Zack's number.

After dialing the number, he picked up immediately.

"Hello." I said into the phone.

"Good day boss." He greeted.

I rolled my eyes, Zack never obeys any instruction from me.

He was so loyal to my father, and would never want to compromise.

"What do you want?" I asked over the phone.

"Your search team." He said, bluntly.

"And why do you need my search team, what happened to Dad's." I sneered.

"Uhmmm... Let's say his captive escaped.. Requesting for his search team, means asking for punishment or worst.."

He was still sounding rogue even while asking for help.

"So a young lady outsmarted two huge men?" I said, mockery evident in my voice.

Somehow I was happy Lin had escaped, but at the same time I was worried about her.

"Well.. here's the thing, I need your search team to comb the woods, two men can't do it alone, finding her is going to take time.

But when I do, nobody would be able to recognize her again."

He placed emphasis on the last statement.. clearly he was threatening me.

"I heard you've got a soft spot for the girl..." He sneered again.

"Shut the fuck up bastard." I said in annoyance.

"Well boss... I need your help, we are meant to be in Italy in two days.

If I spit it close to your dad, it'd be over for I and Max. And surely the girl too when he finds her."

He said with a sigh.

I was quiet for a while.. Lin escaping wasn't any good for all of us, and wasn't good for her either..

Let's just end this. I thought to myself.

"Fine, I'll send my team but here's the deal." I said.

He gave another sigh, I guess he was expecting some kind of exchange already.

"Don't worry I don't need your loyalty." I said, to calm his already jumbled thoughts.

"So here's the deal... I'll send my search team over, and they would find the girl.

I just need you to update me on everything, and also no harm should come to the girl... You should protect her.. not hurt her.

Can you do that for me."

I asked,as i played with my ballpoint pen.

"Sounds easy, but it's difficult.. Update you on what exactly?" He asked.

"Everything relating to her case. Clearly my dad has cut me out of it, so.." I replied with a shrugged.

"You're asking me to be a snitch?" He asked me in an alarmed tone.

"I don't see it that way, but if you do it's fine. Think about it.

My search team would be at the border in few minutes..They would find the girl within hours and before the end of today, you would be heading towards Italy."

I said, with a smirk. There's no way he's going to decline such juicy offer.

After some minutes of silence, I guess he was thinking about it.

"'s a deal." He said, sighing. Defeat etched in his voice.

"Good." I said, and ended the call.

After ending the call. I walked out of my office, and headed for Derrick's space.

"Sir." He said standing up.

"Get my search team ready. They should be at the border in ten minutes." I ordered.

"Yes, sir." He said, as he sat back, to send the message to the team.

"Highly confidential." I added.

He gave a nod, to show he understood the assignment.

Putting my hands back into my pockets. I walked back to my office.

Claire's P.O.V

"What do you mean,he didn't come home?"

I asked Luca's guards.

I was already in Luca's home, only for me to hear that Master wasn't around.

And it's been a while since they saw him around.

"Sorry ma'am, but Master didn't come home." One of them replied.

With a sigh I walked a small distance away from everyone.

I decided to give Shyin a call.

And he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey Mom, what's up." He was rather sounding too jovial than earlier.

"Where are you at the moment?" I asked.

"I'm at Jumpyo's place."

"Is anything going on there?" I asked in concern.

"No nothing at all, just hanging out with my brothers."

"Is Luca there as well?"

"No except him, you've asked earlier.. Mom, are you sure everything is good?" He asked again.

Ignoring his question.

"I'll be coming." I said.

"Err.. okay.. I'll let the rest know." He said.

"Mhmm mm." I said, ending the call.

Walking back to where I was before.

"Thank you all so much.. As soon as he comes home, give me a word." I said, smiling at the guards, as Henry handed my card to one of the guards.

Turning to Henry.

" Let's head to Jumpyo's place." I said..

"Ma'am that's like a two hours drive from here." He said.

"Take me to Jumpyo's place." I said sternly, ignoring him.

He gave a nod, and opened to car door for me, and closed it carefully.

He came around and soon we were driving north.

"Henry..." I called.

"Yes ma'am."

"What would you do if a child runs from home, after discovering a big secret?" I asked subconsciously.

"Hmmm..."He was quiet for a while.

"It depends on the kind of secret ma'am."

He said..

"But first I'll focus on finding the child."

He added

I sighed, "okay."

I rubbed my temples in stress.

At least I'm doing the right thing- I thought to myself.