Luca Is Fine.

Claire's P.O.V

By the time I got to Jumpyo's house it was already dark. It wasn't that late but i know that I wouldn't be able to make it back to the mansion tonight.

"Welcome mom." Shyin greeted as he opened the door, for both I and Henry.

"Mhmm mm where are your brothers?" I asked, as I took a quick glance around, noticing the empty living room.

"We are here mom!"

Angelo yelled as he stepped out of the dining area, wiping his hands on a napkin.

"Bú yong xié mā"

That was Jumpyo's voice in the background.

"What are you boys up to?" I asked as I gave them both suspicious glares.

I went on to sit on the sofa, as I waited for a response.

"Well we weren't expecting you and Jumpyo's chef is on a break. Knowing how you love only home made foods, they decided to make dinner, rather than ordering take outs."

Shyin said as he sat down on another sofa opposite mine.