Chapter 3: Rebirth in Darkness

Iberian Peninsula, Kingdom of León and Castile,Burgos, May 15, 1105.

3 A.M.

Daniel's father (Raymond): My God! It's a miracle! I'm going to be a father!

Raymond of Burgundy, the Count of Galicia, rushes towards Urraca, excited by the news.

Urraca: (smiling) My dear husband, how joyful to see you so excited. Soon we'll be a complete family.

Raymond: (caressing Urraca's belly) I can't wait to meet our son. How are you, my love? Are you feeling well?

Urraca: (reassuringly) I'm fine, darling. Our son and I are healthy and safe here.

At that moment, Urraca feels a sudden pain and sighs.

Urraca: (surprised) Oh! I think the time has come, dear.

Excited, Raymond calls for the maids while Urraca prepares for childbirth.

Raymond: Quick, call the maids! The baby is coming. Let's bring our son into the world!

The maids rush in and begin to assist Urraca while Raymond stands by her side, anxious and excited.

After the maids enter to assist Urraca in childbirth, the room fills with a frenzy of activity.

Raymond, with eyes full of nervousness and anticipation, stands beside Urraca, holding her hand firmly as she prepares to give birth.

Raymond: (tremulously) My dear Urraca, I know you can do it! I'm here with you!

Urraca: (with effort) Thank you, my love. Your support means everything to me right now.

The maids hurry to prepare everything necessary for childbirth, while Urraca begins to feel the first contractions.

Urraca: (between gasps) The baby is coming! It's happening!

Tension in the room intensifies as Urraca struggles to bring her child into the world. Daniel, in his unknown state, experiences a mix of curiosity and satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Raymond clings to Urraca's hand with determination, encouraging her every step of the way.

Raymond: (excitedly) You're amazing, my brave Urraca! I'm so proud of you!

Finally, with one last effort, Urraca gives birth to their son, filling the room with a sigh of relief and joy.

Urraca: (tearfully) We did it, Raymond! Our son is born!

Raymond: (overwhelmed with emotion) My God! It's a miracle!

The maids work diligently to care for the newborn, while Raymond and Urraca embrace tenderly, sharing the moment of happiness and wonder at the arrival of their son.

After the baby's birth, Urraca, with a radiant smile on her face, turns to Raymond with a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

Urraca: (looking at Raymond) My dear husband, how do you want our son to be named?

Raymond, with a mix of pride and joy, looks at the newborn in the maids' arms and then at Urraca.

Raymond: (tenderly) I think we should name him Alfonso;

Alfonso Raimúndez de Burgundy,

in honor of my father and the great dynasty that carries our lineage.

Urraca nods with a smile, feeling a deep connection with her husband in this special moment.

Urraca: (stroking Raymond's cheek) Alfonso will be a perfect name for our son. May he grow strong and brave, like his grandfather.

The maids continue to care for the newborn while Raymond and Urraca embrace tenderly, sharing the joy of being parents again.

Alfonso felt enveloped in a warm embrace welcoming him to the world, listening to the soft whispers and murmurs filling the room. As he slowly opened his eyes, he found the blurry vision of two figures watching him with love and admiration.

Urraca: (with a radiant smile) Oh, look, Raymond! Our son is looking at us.

Raymond: (with an emotional voice) He's absolutely perfect, my dear Urraca. Look at those curious eyes.

Alfonso blinked, trying to adjust to the room's light with his little eyes.

As clarity settled, he could distinguish the figures of his parents clearly for the first time.

Raymond was a tall and handsome man, with dark hair and eyes full of tenderness and pride as he looked at his newborn son. His presence radiated strength and security.

Urraca, on the other hand, was a woman of serene and elegant beauty, with warm eyes and a smile that lit up the room.

Alfonso gazed at his parents with a serene and silent look, absorbing every detail of their appearance and behavior with a quiet curiosity. Though he had just arrived in the world, he was already developing a keen sense of observation, analyzing every gesture and expression with an unusual attention for a newborn.

Raymond and Urraca continued to admire their son with love and admiration, unaware of the unfathomable thoughts beginning to take shape in the little Alfonso's mind. To them, he was simply the miracle of life, a gift from God they had longed for so eagerly.

However, deep within himself, Alfonso felt a puzzling sense of detachment towards his parents. Though he couldn't express it in words, he had already begun to weave the first threads of his own reality, a reality where affection and love held a different meaning than his parents could comprehend.

As the room filled with the warmth of the newborn and the joy of his parents, Alfonso remained silent, keeping his thoughts and emotions deep within himself. At that moment, no one could foresee the dark and twisted fate awaiting little Alfonso, nor the shadows looming over the Burgundy family in the years to come.

After Alfonso's birth, in the calm of the early morning, Raymond and Urraca embraced tenderly, feeling the joy of being parents again. With the baby in their arms, they introduced themselves and their little son, Alfonso, while the maids continued with their tasks.

Raymond: (caressing Alfonso's head) My dear Urraca, look how beautiful our son is.

Urraca: (with a radiant smile) Yes, Raymond. He's the most precious gift God has given us.

Raymond: (addressing Alfonso) I present to you your mother, the noble Urraca, and me, your father, Raymond, Count of Galicia. We'll be here to care for you and love you always, my son.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Sancha, Alfonso's older sister, was asleep in her room.

After a long and exhausting childbirth, Urraca lay back in bed, still recovering from the efforts of childbirth, while the maids surrounded her attentively. Raymond remained by her side, holding his wife's hand with affection and concern, as they shared a moment of tranquility after the excitement of their son's birth.

The next morning, when Sancha learned of her brother's birth, she felt a mix of excitement and curiosity to meet the new member of the family.

Sancha: (excitedly) A little brother! I can't wait to meet him.

Urraca: (seeing Sancha enter) Sancha, dear, come and meet your brother Alfonso.

Sancha approached the crib where Alfonso lay asleep, watching him with awe and affection.

Sancha: (softly) Hello, Alfonso. I'm Sancha, your big sister. I'm so happy you're here.

Alfonso, oblivious to his sister's words, continued to sleep peacefully.

Over time, the bonds between the siblings would grow stronger, marking the beginning of a relationship that would endure throughout their lives.

Several hours passed, and while Urraca rested with the baby in the room, Raymond sat at the dining table with Sancha, sharing a meal in silence. The tempting aroma of freshly prepared food filled the room, creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere.

Raymond: (while eating) Do you think Mom will recover soon, Sancha?

Sancha: (with a reassuring smile) Yes, Dad. Mom is strong. She'll be fine in no time.

Raymond nodded with satisfaction, trusting his daughter's words.

Raymond: (with a smile) Sancha, how do you feel about having a little brother?

Sancha: (enthusiastically) I'm excited, Dad!

I can't wait to play with him and teach him everything I know.

Raymond nodded with a smile, sharing his eldest daughter's excitement as they eagerly awaited Urraca's and the newborn's return to continue enjoying their meal in silent companionship.

Meanwhile, in the adjoining room, Urraca held her newborn son tenderly, cradling him in her arms with maternal love as she nursed him.

After a while, Alfonso began to wake up in the crib, slowly opening his eyes and blinking at the soft light filtering through the room. He looked around with curiosity, observing the furniture and walls with innocent eyes filled with wonder.

Then, his eyes landed on the figure of his sister Sancha, who was sitting beside the crib, watching him with a tender and affectionate smile. Alfonso gazed at her with admiration, marveling at the beauty and warmth radiating from his older sister.

Sancha: (tenderly) Good morning, Alfonso. How did you sleep?

Alfonso didn't respond with words, but emitted a small sound resembling a soft murmur, indicating that he was awake and ready for morning attention.

Sancha: (gently stroking Alfonso's cheek) You're so beautiful, little brother. Your presence brightens the whole room.

Alfonso looked at his sister with curiosity, feeling an inexplicable connection with her despite his young age. Though he was only five years old, he could already sense the love and affection surrounding him, especially when he looked at his sister with her bright blue eyes.

As Sancha continued to talk to Alfonso, he seemed to pay attention in a way that surprised even his older sister. His eyes reflected a intelligence beyond his tender age, as if he were absorbing every word and gesture with a much deeper understanding than expected for a child his age.

Sancha: (amazed) It seems like you're understanding every word I'm saying, aren't you, Alfonso?

Alfonso nodded slightly, his eyes shining with a spark of knowledge and understanding that made it clear he was much more than an ordinary baby. His mind seemed to be in constant motion, processing information and making connections in a way that suggested a wisdom beyond his years.