Chapter 17: The Arrival of the Twins: Part 1

Meanwhile, in Tardajos (a village less than an hour from Burgos), a carriage is spotted by the roadside. Beside it, a camp is set up, housing about 25 guards and 5 servants. But the most notable are two twin girls about 3 years old: one with black, curly hair, honey-colored eyes, and the other with black, straight hair, and ice-blue eyes.

A butler approaches the twins and communicates formally, "My apologies, young ladies. Since we are near Burgos, I must take a horse to go ahead and announce our arrival."

Emma, the twin with curly hair, responded with a smile, "That's fine, we'll be ready to leave for Burgos in 20 minutes."

The butler headed towards where his horse was, mounted it, and set off towards Burgos.

Thirty minutes after leaving the camp in Tardajos, the butler finally arrived on the outskirts of Burgos.

The sun shone over the city walls as he approached the imposing gates. A line of at least twenty people awaited their turn to enter.

With patience, the butler waited until he finally reached the front of the line. The guard informed him that access to the city required the payment of a silver coin.

The butler dismounted from his horse and took out a silver coin from his pocket. With a friendly gesture, he handed the coin to the guard, who accepted it with a bow. With access secured, the butler led his horse into the streets of Burgos.

The bustle of the city surrounded him as he made his way towards the imposing castle on the horizon. With determined steps, he entered the streets, navigating through the pedestrians and merchants filling the streets.

Upon reaching the imposing gates of the castle, the butler approached the guards guarding the entrance. The guards, with a serious expression, looked at him curiously and asked, "Who are you and what is your purpose here?"

With confidence, the butler replied firmly, "I am the butler of the Count of A Coruña. I have come to report on the imminent arrival of a carriage and its passengers in the service of His Excellency."

The guards exchanged glances as one of them nodded and headed inside the castle to inform of the butler's arrival and his message. Meanwhile, the butler remained calm, awaiting instructions, certain that his entry to the castle would soon be resolved.

The guard returned after a few minutes with a more relaxed expression on his face and nodded to the butler.

"You may pass, come with me," said the guard, gesturing for the butler to follow him into the castle. The butler nodded gratefully and began to follow the guard.

The guard led the butler to the door of Urraca's office and then withdrew. The butler entered alone into the office and addressed Urraca respectfully.

"Your Ladyship," the butler began, "the daughters of the Count of A Coruña are here to accept the position of servants to your children."

Urraca nodded understandingly and asked the butler, "How long until they are expected to arrive?"

The butler replied confidently, "They should be here in about 15 minutes."

Urraca picked up the bell resting on her desk and shook it gently, filling the room with its delicate chime. After a few seconds, one of the maids entered the room, bowing respectfully to Urraca.

Urraca instructed the maid to accompany the butler to a designated room for the servants to rest.

Meanwhile, she called another maid with the bell and ordered her to go to the kitchen to inform the cooks that they should prepare dinner for about 30 to 35 people.

Urraca called another maid and ordered her to go to the city guards to inform them that a carriage should be arriving in about 15 minutes and they should let it pass without any problems.

After about 20 minutes, as the sun began to set on the horizon, a city guard glimpsed a carriage approaching along the road in the distance. He approached his companions, pointing in the distance.

Guard: "Look! Do you see that carriage approaching?"

Another guard approached to observe.

Guard 2: "Yes, I see it. It seems to be accompanied by a large number of guards."

After the guard's observation of the approaching carriage, he suggested:

Guard: "It may be the one the maid informed us about. We should open the gate and make sure they pass without any problems."

The guards sprang into action and began to open the heavy city gates to allow the carriage and its entourage to pass. With coordinated movements, the gates slowly opened as the carriage approached.

The carriage driver skillfully guided the horses to the entrance, and the guards welcomed them, ensuring they could enter without any problems.

The carriage majestically advanced through the streets of Burgos, guided by the driver towards its final destination: the imposing castle towering in the heart of the city.

With each step, they drew closer to their destination, while pedestrians and merchants watched with curiosity as the carriage and its accompanying guards passed by.

Upon reaching the castle gates, the driver stopped the horses and halted the carriage with a gentle pull of the reins.

The driver descended from his seat gracefully and approached the carriage. With skillful hands, he opened the carriage door.

With enthusiasm, the two twins, Emma the elder and Agnes the younger, stepped out of the carriage. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity as they gazed upon the majestic castle before them, excited to begin their new life as servants in that place.