Chapter 20: The Arrival of the Twins: Part 4

Saturday, November 24, 1005.

Dawn was breaking on the horizon, a soft gradient of nocturnal blues giving way to the first touches of a shy orange. The freshness of the morning air carried with it the crowing of the roosters, breaking the silence of the dying night and serving as a natural alarm clock for life in the castle.

One after another, the servants began to wake up, their bodies still heavy with sleep but their minds aware that a new day of laborious tasks was about to begin.

In the humble rooms, the straw mattresses creaked under the weight of those stretching and yawning, trying to shake off the lethargy. The early risers got up diligently, rubbing their eyes and dressing in simple but clean clothes, preparing to face the demands of the day.

Meanwhile, outside, the roosters continued their serenade, competing with each other with proud crows that echoed through the corridors and courtyards of the castle, announcing the start of a day full of activity and bustle.

As the first rays of the sun began to bathe the ancient stones of the castle with their golden light, the cooks were already in full swing, preparing a simple but hearty breakfast for the servants.

The aroma of freshly baked bread mixed with that of the cooked oatmeal, filling the air with promises of a new day full of energy and hard work.

On the kitchen terrace, long wooden tables had been set up outdoors, covered with linen tablecloths worn from use but clean. On them, the cooks placed the breakfast dishes, along with jugs of water and milk.

The servants, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes, approached in small groups, taking a seat on the benches arranged around the tables. They shared the bread and passed the jugs to each other in silence, savoring those brief moments of rest before the day took on its frantic pace.

Once satisfied, they rose and cleared their place, leaving space for the next ones to arrive. The terrace, with its view of the castle gardens, offered a moment of tranquility; the fresh morning air was a balm for sleepy souls.

In a corner of the terrace, a small vegetable garden stretched under the care of the cooks, who took advantage of any free moment to tend to their crops of garlic, onions, and parsley, among other herbs and vegetables. This kitchen garden provided fresh ingredients for the daily meals.

A maid hurried through the castle corridors to the kitchen. Upon arrival, she encountered the characteristic bustle of the place: cooks moving skillfully between stoves and utensils, the tempting aroma of food cooking, and the servants preparing tables and trays.

She approached Diego, the head cook, and asked respectfully, "Good morning, where is Lady Urraca's breakfast?" Diego, busy with a steaming pot, looked up and pointed to a corner of the kitchen where they were preparing a special breakfast for the lady of the castle.

The maid nodded gratefully and headed to the indicated spot, determined to take the breakfast to Urraca's room.

The maid ascended the stairs briskly to the third floor of the castle, where Lady Urraca's room was located. As she approached the door, she heard the characteristic tinkling of Urraca's bell, indicating she needed something.

Careful not to make noise, she turned the doorknob and entered the room. The tranquil atmosphere contrasted with the frenetic activity of the kitchen. The sunlight softly entered through the open curtains, illuminating the room with warm, golden tones.

Lady Urraca, reclining in her bed with a book in hand, looked up as the maid entered. With a kind smile, Urraca nodded toward the bedside table, indicating that she should leave the breakfast there.

The maid approached cautiously and placed the breakfast tray on the table, making sure everything was arranged neatly and elegantly.

After leaving the breakfast in Urraca's room, she turned to her courteously and said, "Lady Urraca, do you need anything else, or is there anything I can assist you with?"

Urraca looked at the maid and asked, "Have the guests woken up yet? Have we served them breakfast?"

The maid replied diligently, "My lady, all the guests have woken up and have been served a bowl of oatmeal, two boiled eggs, three pieces of bread, and a glass of milk for breakfast. Everything has been arranged according to their usual preferences."

Urraca asked, "Where did the guests eat?"

The maid answered, "My lady, they ate at the table in their room. While one showered, the other took the opportunity to have their breakfast."

Urraca nodded and said to the maid, "Please inform Maria, the head maid, to help collect the guests' swords. Afterward, have her bid them farewell courteously and wish them a good day."

The maid nodded and withdrew to carry out Urraca's order. She headed towards Maria's room, the head maid, who was already in motion, anticipating the needs of the day.

Upon meeting Maria in the hallway, she communicated Urraca's order. Maria nodded efficiently and set out to organize the collection of the guests' swords.

She went from door to door, informing the guests that they would soon collect their weapons. The guests, already prepared for the day, confirmed that they would be ready in a few minutes.

Shortly after, the twin's guards, clad in their armor, lined up in the hallway, waiting their turn. Maria led them to the armory, where each guard, one by one, presented their wooden token marked with their corresponding number. With a nod, Maria allowed them to enter and take their sword, leaving the token in its designated place in the cabinet.

Once all were armed, the guards bid farewell with a gesture of respect and headed towards the carriages that would take them to A Coruña, ready to face the challenges that awaited them on their return journey.