In the aftermath of the digital conspiracy, Ryuk and Elina find themselves in a haze of uncertainty. The pixels on their screens flicker, mirroring the fragmented reflections of their once-solid reality. The former rival, now an unexpected ally named Rem, reveals fragments of a tragic past that cast shadows on their newfound unity. Emotions run high as Ryuk and Elina grapple with unanswered questions, and the narrative takes a contemplative turn.
Elina, with a haunted gaze, delves into the enigma surrounding their ally's past, sensing the echoes of betrayal in the digital mirage. The pixels, once a canvas for creativity, become a vessel for introspection. Ryuk, caught between loyalty and doubt, questions the authenticity of their ally's transformation. As the digital world becomes a maze of illusions, the protagonists confront the intangible shadows that lurk within their own reflections, setting the stage for a poignant chapter of self-discovery.
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