Different paths, but intertwined

When Victor made the decision to investigate Councilor Steegar's office instead of challenging him to a duel, he drastically changed the entire future, but this decision didn't affect the order of events inside the dungeons. That being the case, Robe was still discovered by Sub-Lieutenant Boráceia before he could even reach the second floor, and Wanda still escaped from the cage she was put in.

However, coincidences happened along the way. When Robe entered the castle alongside more reinforcements, Steegar was coming down the stairs in handcuffs and right behind him were a dozen more guards, including Ardann. All arrested for corruption. 

As the Councilor's office was crammed with evidence and documents against him, Duke Olyno himself handed down the prison sentence to him and the others for the various crimes, such as Conspiracy, Treason, Murder and Human Trafficking, not to mention other atrocities.

Therefore, Victor, Robe and Wanda were automatically cleared of the unjust charges. 

Wanda destroyed half the prison and injured many guards as she fled, but Olyno, as an apology for the injustice and as a gesture of goodwill, forgave the debts for the damage caused. For this reason too, Olyno asked that the information about Wanda's unjust imprisonment be kept secret and not mentioned in any official reports, so that Kozáni's reputation would not be further damaged after having his Councilor convicted.

Although reluctant, Wanda agreed because it was best not to affect the citizens of Kozáni. Besides, she and Victor were just grateful that the whole suffocating situation had finally come to an end.

The arrest of Councillor Steegar for his terrible crimes shocked Kozáni and reverberated through all the nearby towns and cities, like a thunderclap heralding profound changes, and shook up political circles. 

The conspirators and corrupt people who still hid in the shadows now feared the light of truth that Wanda Stillwind had cast on the kingdom. There were many other corrupt nobles scattered throughout the Athina Kingdom.

Duke Olyno, who had initially dismissed Victor's accusations as the ravings of a desperate hunter, was now forced to face the reality that he had been deceived by his own Councilor, a man in whom he had placed blind trust. He therefore made himself available to work with Wanda and also with the Golden Sun Guild, of which Wanda was a member.

The Athina Kingdom seemed to be entering a new era of uncertainty and change. The people, awakened to the corruption that had poisoned their society, demanded reforms and more transparent leadership from the nobles, but things seemed to be changing for the better.


The next day, after a good morning's sleep, Victor and Wanda went to Kyriilos' little "Coffee/Tavern", a long-time friend of Victor's who always offered a welcoming and discreet atmosphere. 

The place was empty that early afternoon, and when they entered they were immediately greeted by the aroma of fresh coffee. 

Victor and Wanda sat down at the counter, across from each other. 

"Hello, everyone!" said Kyrillos, suddenly appearing from behind the counter.

Wanda was a little startled, but laughed at Kyrillos' entrance. It had been a while since she had seen him.

"Hi, Uncle Kyrillos! It's good to finally see you!"

"I say the same, you troublesome little girl. You've become strong and yet you're giving your old man a hard time, aren't you? It's lucky he's got a lot of hair, otherwise he'd be just like me." Kyrillos joked and ran his hand over his bald head, which looked like a billiard ball, so shiny and smooth.

Wanda laughed hysterically at Kyrillos' joke, while Victor took the cup that Kyrillos poured and pretended not to hear, but with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"How are things backstage, Kyrillos?" Victor asked to change the subject, already knowing that Kyrillos knew about everything that had happened.

"Well, I've heard a few rumors about what you did last night, but nothing too revealing. It seems to me that the nobles and the Hunters' Association are taking the information about this case very seriously." Kyrillos said.

He then poured Wanda a drink with cream, chocolate and iced coffee, just the way she liked it, and a broad smile appeared on her face.

"Anyway, how are you feeling now that it's all over? Is Wanda finally coming home with you?" asked Kyrillos, leaning on the counter to hear what they had to say.

Victor then looked out of the corner of his eye at Wanda and watched her happy smile over the cold drink go away with Kyrillos' question. Victor then looked at his friend and didn't even have to say anything.

"All right, all right, I don't think you've had time to talk about it yet. So I'm going to give you two a bit of space. I really have to look at some bread I'm baking out back."

Victor nodded in thanks, and Kyrillos went to the back of his store, leaving the father and daughter alone again.

Wanda sighed and looked down at her hands for a moment after everything fell silent on the counter. 

"How are you?" asked Victor.

"Relieved, mostly. It's a huge weight off my shoulders. But I'm also worried about what comes next."

"What are you so worried about?"

Wanda turned and looked into Victor's eyes. "Well, now that Councilor Steegar is behind bars, my guild master expects me to make a full report on this whole operation. They want all the details, from the first moment I started investigating to the councilor's arrest. I was expecting this, because I disappeared for months and stayed out of contact so that I could successfully infiltrate this city, but they want me to head the commission that will unmask the various other nobles who are mentioned in the documents you found, Dad." 

Victor understood the responsibility Wanda would have and took another sip of his coffee before answering her. "Well, that makes sense. After all, you were instrumental in all of this."

Wanda smiled slightly at the compliment, but there was a shadow of concern in her eyes. "Yes, but that's not exactly what I was hoping for after all this. I wish I could get a few weeks off, come home with you and spend the winter in the warmth of the fireplace. I want to see Joan and all the people from Serenity Village again. However, they want me to travel to the guild headquarters today and after the reports they even want me to go to the Capital to talk to the King in person."

"But isn't that great for you, Wanda? You joined a big guild because you wanted to make more of a difference in the world than you could by traveling alone, and now you're finally reaping the rewards of your efforts."

"I know, I know, it's just..."

Victor then took Wanda's hands, which surprised her, and made her look at him instead of keeping her head down.

"You make me proud, daughter. Every day I wake up proud to have you in my life, and nothing makes me happier than seeing you achieve everything you want. So stay strong and keep making the world a better place. You'll always have a home to come back to."

Wanda's eye sockets filled with water, and tears quickly began to flow. With all her strength, she hugged him and, in a slightly slurred voice, said:

"Yes, Dad! I'll do it!"

"But please don't disappear again. Otherwise, I'll come after you again." Victor joked with her, which made her laugh as she cried.

When the tears finally dried up after a few minutes, Wanda began to sip her cold drink with a smile on her face and more cheerful than before.

"And... have you decided what you're going to do this winter, Dad? With the extreme cold, you can't grow anything in Serenity and many hunters don't go there, do they? Have you saved up or are you still having financial problems?" asked Wanda, shifting the focus of the conversation to the future.

Victor scratched the back of his head, uncomfortable. "Actually... almost all the savings I had were used up on this trip."

"What?" Wanda asked worriedly, then denied it and shoved her hands in her pockets. "Frankly, I've already told you that all you have to do is ask me for a bit of money. What's mine is yours too."

The girl then pulled a handful of gold coins out of her pants pocket and said:

"Here, take as much as you need."

Victor looked at the coins shining in a golden hue, brought his right hand closer and lightly clasped his daughter's hand, denying her money. "I can't accept that."

"But then how will you spend the winter?"

Turning away, Victor picked up his coffee again. "I'm thinking of traveling again."

"And to travel again... Wait, what?!" Wanda was very surprised by Victor's answer. "Does that mean you're going to be a Hunter again?"

Victor nodded. "You've grown up and you're looking after yourself. The tavern in Serenity is in good hands with Joan and Corstine, and I think it's time for you to study the market a bit, understand what's successful in the other taverns and maybe it's time to visit some friends." 

That was the best excuse Victor could think of, and Wanda easily believed it. A proud smile appeared on her face and tears almost flowed again, but she wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her jacket.

"Right! So the next time we see each other will be on the road, Dad!"