Generalized Chaos

After the skeletoid archer who hit that citizen was killed by the purple-haired sorceress, other undead began to come out of the forest and infest the city.

At this point, the Hunters took action, but were forced to retreat and set up barricades. It wasn't long before they finally realized that the entire village was already surrounded.

The undead were mainly coming out of the Evergreen Forest, but they had also spread, so other parts of Agocester had also been invaded. 

Amidst the screams of the citizens running desperately to their homes, you could hear the groans of these putrid-smelling things.

Stavenger, the Branch Master, raised his voice above the tumult as they fought and shouted:

"Spread out, hunters! We need to protect the city from all sides. Archers and mages, take up high positions and shoot the undead from a distance. The rest of you, protect as many citizens as possible!"