Following Traces

"How long have you been working with the others?" Victor asked Orie, the archer, as he walked with him through the forest.

Orie seemed like a serious guy, but he liked to talk because it helped him deal with his nervousness. 

"I've been with Riggilo for about six months now. We've been together since we formed a group in Dury City. Others from the group went elsewhere and we split up along the way, but Riggilo and I have stayed together and even met others like Pyaxu."

"Okay, but what about this particular trio? I want to know how well synchronized you are."

"Ah, if that's the intention of the question, Pyaxu, Riggilo and I have been together for about three months, ever since we met on the road between Lamía and Agocester." 

"How did you meet?" Victor asked and crouched down to assess a march on the ground.