Fear versus Motivation

"Hey, man, did you also hear the spirit of the hero Elban call Victor by name? Or am I going crazy?" Orie asked Riggilo as they walked a little behind each other.

The cleric looked at Orie and his eyes seemed a little lost before he answered. "I heard you too..."

Riggilo looked forward again, where he found the broad backs of Victor and Elban. The two didn't exchange a word, but the way they walked together at the same pace and the fact that Victor had studied up on what had happened to Elban and knew all about this Gravisk demon was very suspicious indeed.

Suddenly, Pyaxu's head appeared between Orie and Riggilo and he provided a new perspective to the situation.

"I think they've worked together before."

The archer and the cleric immediately stopped walking to hear more about what Pyaxu had to say.

Riggilo rested his staff on the ground and asked:

"What do you mean? What do you mean 'they'have worked together'?"