No Solution

The moment he went back in time, Victor fell to his knees and put a hand to his head to hide the expression of despair that marked his face. He tried to get up, but couldn't.

"Hey, Victor, what happened? Are you all right?"

The white-haired hunter had died several times before, only this time it was different. His heart was literally crushed and exploded just for trying to show his memories to Mari.

What's more, Victor didn't die to a human, a monster or a demon, he died to what was inside him, that voice that constantly repeated that he belonged to it. He thought he would be able to find out what this thing was when he arrived in Klento and got the help of the brilliant Mari Dundragon, but now he didn't even know if he wanted to find out.

For the first time in his life, Victor couldn't see a way out of a situation. This wasn't a battle like the thousands of others he had faced.