The women gathered around Jason, their eyes shining with a mixture of admiration and intrigue as they hung on his every word. But as Dahlia appeared in the corridor, the room fell silent, the attention shifting to her like a flock of birds taking flight.

Jason rose to his feet, a charming smile on his face as he bid the women farewell, their sighs of disappointment a chorus of faint regret.

With a flourish, he opened the door of the car, Dahlia slipping into the passenger seat with the ease of a practiced routine.

Jason slid into the driver's seat, the engine rumbling to life with a quiet hum.

Dahlia, her gaze fixed on the road ahead, leaned back in her seat, the fingers of one hand tapping a steady rhythm on the armrest. "It's the Petal palace flower shop." She said, her voice calm and measured, a practiced mask that hid the undercurrent of excitement beneath.