As the day wore on, the hustle and bustle of Sinclair Group's halls filled the air with the sounds of progress and productivity, when suddenly, Violet burst into the ladies' room, her feet quick, her bladder heavy with the burden of a long-held wait.

With a sigh of relief, she released the stream of pent-up urine, the sound of water echoing in the tiled confines of the cubicle, a quiet moment of respite in a busy day.

And as she finished, the sound of footsteps and the soft murmur of voices filtered through the door, the laughter of a group of ladies drifting in through the crack beneath the stall, their words filled with a playful giddiness.

"Did you hear about Dahlia's new driver?" One of the ladies whispered, a hint of gossip in her voice.

"Oh, I have." Another replied, her tone ripe with intrigue, "I hear he's quite the looker!"