As William and Dahlia were guided into the restaurant by the receptionist, a hush fell over the room, and curious glances followed them to their table. The familiar setting stirred poignant recollections for both of them, as this was the very place where Dahlia had tenderly proposed to William, evoking a rush of memories from that unforgettable occasion.

On that momentous day, when William had mistaken her for his intended date, she surprised him by proposing instead of taking offense. The memory of that extraordinary day lingered with William; he couldn't shake the feeling that he had found her remarkably captivating. Perhaps it was from that very day that his attraction to her had begun to take root.

As a waiter approached their table with a bottle of wine, ready to take their order, William smoothly removed his trench coat, draping it over the back of his chair before perusing the menu to make his selection.