Dahlia Sinclair stood in her elegant room, the soft morning light filtering through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. She was dressed in a sophisticated ensemble, ready to tackle the day ahead at her high-powered job, when the shrill ring of her phone shattered the tranquil ambiance. Glancing at the caller ID, she was surprised to see Gael's name flashing on the screen. Puzzled by the unexpected call, she hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Hello," she greeted, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Good morning," Gael's voice came through the line, tinged with an unusual urgency. "Have you seen the news?"

Dahlia furrowed her brow, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend what news could have prompted Gael to call her at this early hour. "What news?" she inquired, her interest piqued.