In the sleek, elegantly appointed office of CK Fashions, a husky, feminine voice resonated through the air. Sonia Flair, the mastermind behind the fashion empire, laughed, her phone cradled between her ear and shoulder as she engaged in a conversation with Miranda Sinclair.

"The design reveal has garnered two million views in less than an hour." Sonia announced, her voice tinged with triumph.

Miranda's response was laced with a smirk. "This is all thanks to you, Sonia. Your willingness to accept the design made this possible."

Sonia's smile grew as she rose from her chair, her stilettos clicking on the polished floor. She sauntered to the glass window, gazing out at the cityscape before her. "The designs were exquisite, typical of Dahlia's style. I must admit, I was impressed." Her tone turned malicious. "Besides, I've always wanted to teach that bitch a lesson. She thinks she's above everyone else just because she has William Anderson in her corner."