The Tour

Kieran's POV

I knew the view of the palace was going to be extraordinary, so I'd kept an open mind while I accompanied Sabrina towards the beautiful monument. If I was being honest, I didn't expect to be blown away by how beautiful everything was. I'd heard stories of how the palace in the pack was breathtaking, but none of the stories I'd heard could actually match up to it.

I couldn't reel in my excitement as Sabrina led me towards the palace. It was a hassle for me to keep my steps in check. If it weren't for Sabrina, I would have dashed towards the direction of the palace a long time ago, leaving Sabrina behind. I felt giddy inside, almost like a child who had just been offered her favorite candy on a rainy day.

"Come on." I latched onto Sabrina's hand, looping my hand around hers. With all of my strength, I dragged her towards the direction of the palace. "Come on, let's go."