Sabrina's POV

Sabrina's POV

It wasn't a prank. Neither was it some kind of teasing. It definitely wasn't a sick joke, and even if it was, a part of me couldn't help but feel like it was taking too long for him to come clean. Wasn't it high time Xander appeared at the door to my room, with a sheepish grin on his face that he was sorry and didn't mean any of the things he'd said the other day.

I had been expecting the knock that would change everything, but it never came, and it had been three days already. Three fucking days.


A frustrated groan slid past my lips. I was beyond frustrated at this point. In fact, I was this close to running out of my mind. If something wasn't done soon… no, scratch that. If Xander didn't act right or try to apologize to me anytime soon, then I had no idea what was going to happen next. Call me crazy or dramatic, whatever you like, but if I spent the next hour without Xander paying me any mind, I just might pass out.