Cold Shoulder

Kieran's POV

A small yawn slid past my lips as I slowly opened my eyes. Despite taking my sweet time before opening them and sitting up, my eyes still felt tired. I couldn't help the fact that I was still so sleepy.

Without giving it much thought, I allowed myself to crumble back into the bed again.

A small smile made its way to my lips as my head came in contact with my pillow. It wasn't the fluffiest, but I could say it knew the exact times I needed comfort, like right now.

I sighed satisfactorily as I closed my eyes.

Before they flew open in shock.

I had caught sight of the small alarm clock beside my bed. I stared in shock as the neon green lights brightened before me. I felt my heart thump to the ground.


I jerked up, almost falling over. I was still seated, but my eyes ran a million miles at once, scouring through my room. Once again, my eyes landed on the clock and I still couldn't believe my eyes.