Tossed Into A River!(1)


'Where am I?' I thought to myself.

I know that I got killed by the official's son. 

If that's the case, then shouldn't I be in heaven or hell? Why can I feel my body intact?

Although I couldn't move my hands and legs, I know that they are here. Plus, I do not feel any pain!

I mean, My head had been minced into a gory mass of meat! Hence, I know one thing for sure, I had died.

So, the question is, where am I?

To find the answer, I struggled to open my eyes which are covered with a plain silky cloth.

Albeit, I couldn't see anything through the cloth. Yet, I could feel that my body had shrunken! 

As a kid of the modern world, I could understand that I have been reincarnated as a child in another world. It is the only plausible reason I could think of. It's just...

Instead of truck-kun, that official son was the reason for my reincarnation. As for the reason for reincarnation? Who cares! 

If this life is better than the previous one then I'm very happy for this second chance!

"My Princess, are you sure it's the right thing?" Amidst my daydream, I heard a middle aged female voice that seemed to be worried about something. She sounds very anxious about something. To familiarize myself with the circumstances, I concentrated on their conversation.

However, one thing I know for sure is that, 'Your brother is a PRINCE! Hehe!'

'My happiness, I have arrived!'

"Priyamvada(प्रियंवदा) , you k-know me right... I-i don't want to p-part with my child..." A woman that is termed as 'Princess' by the maid, replied in a weeping tone. Although I couldn't see her face, I could imagine her tear-stained face by hearing her voice filled with immense regret and guilt.

Seeing her state, Priyamvada, her maid, may have looked at her in pity and said, "I am aware of the consequences of keeping a child before marriage. It's against women's Dharma. However, It doesn't grant anyone the right to throw an innocent life in a raging river!" Priyamvada, the maid, understood her master's worries. But, she almost shouted at her master at the end of the sentence. 

I understand that throwing a child in a river is very wrong considering that very child is myself. I really don't want to die! I firmly agree with this kind maid! 

This whole situation is giving me a familiar feeling, I think I have heard these words before...

As for where? I couldn't put my finger on it. So, let's observe for some more time.

As expected of a royal temper, she turned furious after hearing Priyamvada's words. She yelled at her, "PRIYAMVADA! Watch your words! I love my child! It also pains me to do it. B-but I had no choice... How am I to answer if someone found out about this... I couldn't dishonor my kingdom and family..." 

This princess, my 'mother', explained various reasons for not accepting me. Everytime Priyamvada tried to object, she gave countless 'just' reasons for her 'unjust' cause. Not even once mentioning a reason for keeping me.

However, I had already stopped listening to their conversation. As the bitter truth had revealed itself...

I am Karna, the child of Surya, The Sun god.

Crack! Crack!

This revelation is followed by the sound of my heart breaking into countless pieces!

My dreams of a happy life had died before their birth!

Despair filled my heart as I recalled the tragic life of this great warrior of 'Jaya Samhita'. Instead of a life filled with happiness, this life is filled with trials that will try to test my limits!


I took a deep breath to calm my heart. Since, It had already been decided, I might as well play along. I had once lived through a minor hell, so let's cross this greater hell filled with racial discrimination.

Maybe, I could find the answers I strive for.

With these thoughts I opened my eyes only to see a tender and beautiful tear-stricken face of a fair lady. She is wearing a Saree, A traditional Bhartiya women attire, weaved with silver threads with flower embroidery on its border. 

Looking at her face filled with myriads of negative emotion, I felt sadness building inside me. 

'Is this the connection between a son and a mother?'

I asked myself before preventing my hands from wiping her tears, someone who wants to discard me in a river, endangering my life.

Although, I sympathize with this princess as I am an unwanted child that she acquired by mistake. No one would want a child before marriage. Since in Aryavarta premarital children are a grave sin for women. Even more so when she's a virgin.

However, this doesn't grant her the right to throw me away!!!

When these thoughts were surging inside my little brain, Princess Kunti or my mother gazed at me one last time before handing me to her maid, Priyamvada, Although very reluctantly.

Seeing my fate following the pre-destined path, I raised both of my hands in longing gestures, trying a last time. Whether she would stop me or not.

Sadly, it's my wishful thinking. These kinds of miracles would only happen for the protagonist, something I could never be.

Although my actions caused her tears to flow out of eyes, Yet she remained rooted at her position, without any intention of taking me back.


Understanding her pitiful self, I inwardly sighed and accepted my fate. Since I couldn't change my fate, let's face it head-on.

At least, this time, Karna will not lie to his teacher....

He won't die a shameful death...

We will get a better mother in the form of Radha...

With these thoughts, I slept inside the basket. While Priyamvada is taking me to the river, Ashwanadi.